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    grass smell, no high. help plz [ r e p ]

    understood, more drying needed and curing for potency :). thanks the help was appreciated
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    grass smell, no high. help plz [ r e p ]

    harvested sum bud that had red/brown hairs, barely cured em, so they smell like grass but i got no high when smoking. so did i harvest too late or will more curing make them more potent ? thanks
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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    ok, well i'll be patient and see. for more info i got a bit of cardboard on top of the mug with a hole in it so thats how the clone to be is seated. so basically barely any light is getting to the roots
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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    i've got mine in a mug with water, sitting near the window sil and its still not rooting, shud i stick it under a 15w cfl for 24 hours of light per day? i cut it in water etc
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    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    my plant is big enough so i went from 24/0 to 10/14 5 days ago, would a 24hr dark period really help it flower quicker?
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    help plz, lower leaves starting to yellow

    so a week later and their looking like this. took them out into a well ventilated place for the most part of the week, now the closet has more venting and a fan using nutes at N= 27 % P= 5.5 % K=9 % as stated on the back of the box so not calculated. still getting worse, am i not using...
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    that rep was from me man, cant edit it tho

    that rep was from me man, cant edit it tho
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    help plz, lower leaves starting to yellow

    backyard garden soil, regular plants are growing in it, not too cold not to hot at a guesstimate 60 degrees Fahrenheit soil is just dry when watering
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    help plz, lower leaves starting to yellow

    great site guys, been browsing for bout a month. i got a plant that is starting to yellow on the lower leaves and i dont want to lose it so any help to solve the problem is much appreciated. had the seedling on my window sill for 1-2 months, over watered it to every day, thus i stunted the...