Search results

  1. FuzzDodger

    bodhi seeds

    we're off and running. 1 pack Star Flight Guava, 1 pack Super Silver Hashplant. 12 in each pack, %100 germ rate. I picked them up from seed bank for humanity. Can't say enough good things about them. They take credit card and got my package in 3 days to Oregon. I bought for the buy 2 get 1...
  2. FuzzDodger

    How do I get bodhi packs

    And they accept plastic
  3. FuzzDodger

    How do I get bodhi packs

    Seed bank for humanity rocks. Seeds in 3 days
  4. FuzzDodger

    bodhi seeds

    It happened with just a regular package around xmas. I called and they told me they hand scan at the box. Told me it must of been stolen. It didn't get stolen within an hour this time. Just hope a neighbor doesn't have it. Either way it's the risk you run I guess.
  5. FuzzDodger

    bodhi seeds

    The tracking on my order from Seeds for humanity says delivered. There not in my hand though. I am super bummed tonight. I don't know what to do. Good thing I live in a recreational state lol knock on wood. I've never bought from a US seed bank before. As I'm just getting back in to things. All...
  6. FuzzDodger

    bodhi seeds

    Ive just been lurking lately around looking at all the new Bodhi gear. Just kinda waiting for what I want. Wasn't planning on a SSH cross but saw seeds for humanity had a SSHx88g13/HP cross. My impulse buyer kicked in. Since I haven't really seen this around. Nor really heard of it. I'm also...
  7. FuzzDodger

    bodhi seeds

    That looks really nice. With the structure I like. Have been leaning toward star flight guava or silver lotus. Just cause I know that silver will yield nicely. Black raspberry is so tempting though. Why can't I just pick? Ugh
  8. FuzzDodger

    bodhi seeds

    Hey all. Just getting back in the game, and going to buy some beans. My head is starting to spin with all the hot seeds bodhi has theses days. I have 2 picked out and just need to decide on the 3rd. I need your guys help. With a blend of good yield and nice flavor. Which would you pick. Maybe...
  9. FuzzDodger

    Cloning From Feminized Seeds - Is It Possible, Difficult or Impossible?

    My clones from feminized seeds. Some would droop almost act like they wouldn't clone. Then pop up after 3-4 days. When taking cuttings from female plants from regula seeds. They stood tall through out the cloning process. I much prefer cloning from a regular seed. Just seems far more stable...
  10. FuzzDodger

    The Seed Collectors Thread

    Just picked up sunshine daydream and silver mountain from bodhi yesterday on see depots drop. Im so pumped. Oh yeah and grape stomper og will be here tomorrow. Smokin fire this summer
  11. FuzzDodger

    favorite fruity strains?

    GGG's Grape stomper bx2. Enuff said
  12. FuzzDodger


    AMEN to that
  13. FuzzDodger

    Hazeman. Quick vote which strain?

    Gonna make Another purchase From attitude when the new promotion drops tomorrow. So I am going to pick up some hazeman seeds. Been eyeballing the grape stomper but its always sold out as most of you know. so I will settle for cross of it. So Which strain? Elephant stomper (purple elephant cut x...
  14. FuzzDodger

    Choosing a nutrient line for my first hydro op, what do the fine people of this site

    I never thought organics had any place in Hydro. But to each there own
  15. FuzzDodger

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    I used canna when I was running soil with great results. Since I moved on to Hydro I've been looking at Heavy 16. But I like the idea of running some H2O2 to keep shit clean. Manufacturer told me that would be no good. was wondering if anybody have used Drip Clean from H&G.
  16. FuzzDodger

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    Did you switch to the technaflora yourself. I remember you telling me you had AN dialed in.
  17. FuzzDodger

    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    Anybody have any input on these mediums. Im just getting in to Hydro after years in soil, getting my gear together. Picked up my Titan flo n gro yesterday. was trying to find an ideal medium to use. Hydroton seems like a pain in the ass and I hear it could clog up my system. Was thinking about...
  18. FuzzDodger

    Question about cops and outdoor plants

    thats what im sayin
  19. FuzzDodger

    What Cops Look For?

    thanks for the good info.
  20. FuzzDodger

    World of Seeds Skunk-47

    thanks for the report just got a couple beans