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  1. purpledank31

    flowering questions.

    thanks that helped alot
  2. purpledank31

    flowering questions.

    okay so, tell me everything about flowering that i need to know.
  3. purpledank31

    13th day

    thank you OGKush
  4. purpledank31

    slow growth? 1st grow 10 days old

    this is my plant at 13 days since it came out of the soil.
  5. purpledank31

    how long to go ?????? plz tell

    thats a very large plant, holy shit. the biggest ive ever seen.
  6. purpledank31

    13th day

    its a bagseed. and yes i have to add more soil to it. i just cant believe how quick this is growing. i just looked at this other guys plant that is also at day 13 and its about half the size of mine. i dont understand how its growing so fast.
  7. purpledank31

    13th day

    how does it look? lets hear some opinions.
  8. purpledank31

    i got it to grow so fast by keeping my 45 watt cfl on it for 24 hours everyday. i have never...

    i got it to grow so fast by keeping my 45 watt cfl on it for 24 hours everyday. i have never used a fan on it, because i herd that putting a fan on it while its young, could stunt its growth. and its always been 90 degrees in my growbox.
  9. purpledank31

    10 days old, is it okay looking?

    its a bagseed.
  10. purpledank31

    10 days old, is it okay looking?

    yeah thanks, and i didnt think at this age my plant would start stinking already. when i open my growbox this big gust of weed smell comes rite at me, its crazy
  11. purpledank31

    10 days old, is it okay looking?

    im not going to be using nutes. all natural.
  12. purpledank31

    10 days old, is it okay looking?

    it has been 10 days since my plant came out of the soil, i'm using 1 45 watt cfl, and its about 2 inches away from my plant. it has been growing really fast lately.
  13. purpledank31

    yeah soo, i have a question?

    okay man, thanks for your help.
  14. purpledank31

    yeah soo, i have a question?

    ok i guess i have to keep a fan on it at all times then rite?
  15. purpledank31

    yeah soo, i have a question?

    i'm using a 45 watt cfl, and its about 3 inches away.
  16. purpledank31

    yeah soo, i have a question?

    my plant is 1 week and 1 day old, it is pretty big for its age, but why is the stem so week? what do i need to do?
  17. purpledank31

    noob question?

    yeah i turned 18 yesterday. and yeahh your rite man. you know about growing wayy more than i do, im gonna take your word and wait a couple years. and after i thought about it, taking the risk is crazy cause they would probably kill me. thanks for the advice
  18. purpledank31

    noob question?

    true true, but the only time they go in the basement is in the winter, so i dont think they will smell it. cause it should b done by winter, and yes i have thought twice about growing but, when i found this site it just really motivated me to grow because of how awesome it is. lol
  19. purpledank31

    noob question?

    well im 17, and i live at home with both my parents. so im trying to get it done quick cause it kinda makes me nervous thinking about if they c it.
  20. purpledank31

    noob question?

    my plant is a week old. ive had the lights on 24/0, im trying to get this grow finished as quick as possible. if i put my lighting on 12/12 will it speed up the process?