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  1. 4

    SUPERTHRIVE: Good, bad, or neutral???

    There's my answer. Thanks for the link.
  2. 4

    SUPERTHRIVE: Good, bad, or neutral???

    Just wondering if anyone has tried superthrive. Supposedly awesome for all plants, but I want to know if anyone has tried it with good results or bad results or no difference.
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    my babies aren't doin so good

    Ya, they're friends, but not really that cool with pot, although they've done it before. But they got their parents involved, who threatened to call the cops or have me evicted in a week (They own where i live, and I pay them rent). And yes, next time will be a million times better.
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    Halloween Costume

    MAn, I wish i had thought of that sooner. Cant wait for halloween though, all my stoner friends are coming up to chill, and they're supplying the trees. WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!
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    also add what your favorite munchy snack is, I wouldnt mind some fresh ideas. lol
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    How do I avoid the dam munchies! whenever i smoke, I end up eating a shit load. yesss, im eating right now.
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    Halloween Costume

    HAHA, that would be a good one, dont know if i could pull it off though, i'd have to buy a cop outfit.
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    Halloween Costume

    woah woah, redneck still wins.
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    Halloween Costume

    This look will be so easy to pull off. Thrift store, overalls, straw hat, no shirt or shoes. roll pant legs up a little . Easy red neck. might even paint myneck red very sarcastically
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    Halloween Costume

    Ha, that one actually made me laugh cuz I could probably pull that one off with the right outfit.
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    my babies aren't doin so good

    Hey sorry for waiting so long, didnt think anyone cared anymore. Thanks!! But I repotted them in foxfarm ocean forrest soil. Limited my watering, after a couple days I added some blood meal. Then they shot up. But the smell was too strong and I got found out. But they're my friends and just made...
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    Halloween Costume

    Thats good. I have pretty limited resources to use to make it. The simpler the better.
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    Halloween Costume

    Not sure if too many peeps here care, but I need some ideas for a costume for a party. I want something funny. I figured the best answer would come from fellow tokers.
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    my babies aren't doin so good

    just checkin something
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    My Dresser Grow. = )

    Ya, one ballast holds 2 tubes. Ballast, which comes with chains to hang with=8, 1 2-pack of lights=6. Just be careful with sizes. different sizes like T8 or T12, they only work with an appropriate matching ballast, so if you get T12, make sure to get T12 size bulbs. T12 had the highest watt i...
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    My Dresser Grow. = )

    I dont know, the more light the better. Im just a beginner myself, so im just tryin to do the best I can with the space and resources I have. Each light was like 8 bucks and change, the light bulbs themselves were 6 and change for a two pack. Home depot or lowes would have it.
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    My Dresser Grow. = )

    Im new to growing, and on my first grow now. using fluorescent lights. The link that isnt working for you shows a fluorescent light leaning against a wall with a decent looking plant under it, starting to crystal. I have the same lights as that grow, but in addition to the one that person has, I...
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    My Dresser Grow. = )

    Growing Marijuana With Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Growing cannabis under TL light Growing Marijuana With Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Growing cannabis under TL light thats weird, it works on my computer.
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    On the road to recovery(hopefully)

    A few days ago I posted my plants and what their problem was. I was told to repot in nute free soil. Ive done that and now Im just wondering if theirs a way to help them get better. something I can give them maybe? I only re-potted yesterday, so Im being a little impatient, but I just wanna make...
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    My Dresser Grow. = )

    Im about to post my grow on here, but thought yours was pretty cool. I found this page with flouro and it looks like its working. thought you would like to see it. Growing Marijuana With Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Growing cannabis under TL light