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  1. dustin7894

    plant question

    so i could have a plant harvest it then keep the same plant and just keep harvesting it?
  2. dustin7894

    plant question

    i know this is a really dumb qwuestion to ask and im sure everryyy one on here probly knows this but me but it wasnt sure so im deciding to ask after your plant grows and flowers and you get your harvest then does your plant die to you kill it can u keep it or what?? plees some one answer this...
  3. dustin7894


    yo i need some ones help how much bud will i get off a plant if i grew it from now to the end of the year??i wouldi only get like a quarter huh?? and does you plant die after you harvest it or can u keep regrowing and regrowing so on and so forth
  4. dustin7894

    first time grow..{{outdoor}}} (kush)

    :bigjoint:Hey my names dustin recently my homie hooked me up with 3 great kush seeds out of his bag they are in the germination process as we speek they have been so for about 9 hours ago any info will be appreciated will post pics soon as my babys pop out thanks...
  5. dustin7894

    Grow tent,Intake questions-NL+bigbud

    can some one [;ees answert this question for me after you grow your marijuana plant and you get your harvest does your plant just die and you start over ? or cna you just keep going for years and yeaars? plee some one answer
  6. dustin7894

    first time grow journal

    so planting only one is dumb right and how long tell you can tell if its a male or female?
  7. dustin7894

    first time grow journal

    yah so what are the chances of ggettin a male vs a female??
  8. dustin7894


    :bigjoint:Hey my names dustin recently my homie hooked me up with 3 great kush seeds out of his bag they are in the germination process as we speek they have been so for about 9 hours ago any info will be appreciated will post pics soon as my babys pop out thanks...
  9. dustin7894

    first time grow journal

    a homie of mine just hooked me up with 3 nice brown kush seeds germinating as we speek this plant is strictly going to be an out door plant after the germination process any info will be appreciated thanks...
  10. dustin7894

    giving up on my first grow?

    alright well i did do that about 10 minuts ago is putting it outside in the sun alright??
  11. dustin7894

    giving up on my first grow?

    hey im sorry for fucking up the thread but i ahve nooo idea how to start a new one i have a germinating seed but its been for days and all thats came out was a little root but for the past two days the root has barelly grown out ?? what should i do throw it ot and restart or is thatsometimes...
  12. dustin7894

    would you Wear (Rep)THIS?

    hell yeah bro ide rep that shit all day lookin forward to it bro keep it comin
  13. dustin7894

    how to cool down a 111F space?????

    you dont want it air tite you need lots of ventalation or its very likely that they will be unhealthy ir die you should put a small fan or big fan in the garage how big are the plants im new at growing i had a small plant with 4 leeves very healthy and then my mom killed it cause she got mad at...
  14. dustin7894

    check out my babies...first grow (masta kush)

    hell yah a 15 year old can grow monsters duude its easy as fuck all i do is get some good seeds out of any great sack of weed i get and i plant them in soil over by a window seel once i see it starting tio pop out i plant it in a diferent pot with soil in y grow box for 15 days then i bring it...
  15. dustin7894

    Just A Question

    agree defnetly makes sence
  16. dustin7894

    Ask Questions Here

    yah if there recently planted 2-4 weeks into it they usualy get droopy thats how my frinds were
  17. dustin7894

    Ask Questions Here

    i recently planted 2 marijuana seed they both sprouted 2 days ago theres one thats aout an inch biger than the other with four leeves instead of 2 leaves then i searched the web n floavored marijuana it said if i poure pepermint extract in my water and watered the plants once a day then it would...
  18. dustin7894

    Smoking 5 year old Bud.

    dude i didnt even understand what ur saying i dont care if u dont want to help ill find someone else some body plees help tho
  19. dustin7894

    Smoking 5 year old Bud.

    well i cant put the out side i live in a neighbor hood with back yards all around me i want it insid im risking going to jailfor something i beleive in i just got out for posesion of marijuana and im currently on probation i get of nov 5 but forget all that ashit for get every thing every one...
  20. dustin7894

    Smoking 5 year old Bud.

    first of all my mom grows 2 and second of all she smokes 2 3 of all i dont hve a fucking dad but forget all that shit on this site it said if i mix a little pepermint extract with water and wter my plants then they will be flvored i got 1 drop on one iof my plants and it died the biggest one...