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  1. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    heres the pics...i got a few more plants a few days away from this one...ima actually let those go for about 60-65 days...since now i got moke supplies to hold me down till then...
  2. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    I chopped em down...yay...55 days n ready...mmm nice head high...i swear kept me up like crack! LOL...ima post new pics here in a few mins...
  3. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    50 days flowering...too lazy to post a pic, cuz i have to go thru moms labtop n she dont like me doin stuff on her stuff yea..nugs are nice and dense...i removed lower growth n dried it fuck it..very nice gets me blowwwed..i lleft main colas and other big they can further...
  4. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    Hey guys...i will post some new pics here in a few hours lol. Im on day 45...lots of trichs! getting milky also...hairs are say a good 45%...we'll see when would b a good time to harvest:)
  5. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    Thanx stickyscissors. I'm glad I'm doing ok. I was sad thinking maybe I wasn't. LOL especially since I didn't follow a feeding schedule.yea she is powerful smelling and lots of tricks everywhere and flowering al the way down...
  6. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    Thank you Smkinmouse. Hmmm really? I didnt pay attention to that. This is my first inside grow. So ur most likely right. yes that is what i am hoping for(dense nugs and denser formation as flowering goes on....) I have a 30x loupe wit light...i look at the trichs but i dont kno i kno...
  7. Gallo313

    Blue Mystic

    Hey everybody! My ladies are flowering! I somehow passed up a herme:( and s/he made love to my big mama plant...she has a few seeds close to where the herme was.. So im told i got some Mystic..from my med guy. So i manicured it n BAMN...found a seed...nowhere online can i find a strain...
  8. Gallo313

    Best way to dry bud for sampling??

    I juss tried something new... I wrapped the bud inside a was ziplock but the thin kind i assume... I stuffed it into my CFL. left it for an hour..came back and the whole bag was wet i dried it and did it again for 20 mins or so...bag was wet again...did it once more for...
  9. Gallo313

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    sorry guys i was chiefed out. Mel yea your right! I used it on both sides i would was one of those peat pallets...n i could see the root inside...i put a drop in the pre drilled hole n stuffed the rest of the seeding top in there...Sorry guys. I didnt read the whole thread to page 9. My...
  10. Gallo313

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    damn well same shyt wit me bro...ok i had a 5 ft plant 1 week or less into 12.12.....and i was waterin one in the back n knocked it off its booster chair LOL..hit the floor n the top hit the wall...snapped in1/2 and i tied it up n let it heal...turned into a HERME...chopper her down n she is...
  11. Gallo313

    Best way to dry bud for sampling??

    i agree with everyone and disagree too...LOL... ok well...ive tried all methods...except that jerky machine thing lol... microwave, wow. DONT DO THAT...ive tried this on nugz 27 days into flower, 35 days into flower and then last time i tried it was 47 days....NONE were good to me...waste...
  12. Gallo313

    would your ideal bowlpack/joint consist of rock hard dense nug or soft fluffy weed?

    ok ive smoked dozens of different strains...FLUFFY..NOT FLUFFY...POPCORN and BRICK talkin 100lb block....i had compressed shyt...but kush is what ur talking about...a dense nug is PREFERRED..i think becuz when u chop it down u get more(i think, juss eyeballin) how ever you said go by...
  13. Gallo313

    What should my plants look like after 3 1/2 weeks of 12/12?

    Damn yea dte is kilin me! How much u yields from those massive plants?
  14. Gallo313

    Need help in a lot of areas. :/ ASAP! :(

    YEs! Great answers! Like i kno but im always for now im I put the mama under the 150hps...12/12 and soon like in a week she will b buddin or starting to right? should i start adding the bat guano now? its high in P(12). but i think ima go n buy some big bloom...
  15. Gallo313

    What should my plants look like after 3 1/2 weeks of 12/12?

    yo light bill must b expensive lol. Nice ass grow my nigga...313 ;)
  16. Gallo313

    1st journal nl#5 400w dwc tent grow prop215

    I like what i see...i wann see end results too. Im thinkin bout starting a journal also...hmm a lil lazy. lol i need motivational smoking lol. Ima nub as they say....
  17. Gallo313

    Need help in a lot of areas. :/ ASAP! :(

    Aww i read this way too i switched em, and yea, lol. Now i am too lazy to revert to old system...but i checked and i saw that it gives off 16,000 lumes...which is gud nuff for 4x4 space right? nuff for one flowering blossom i say or think. who knos...first time flowering anything...
  18. Gallo313

    Need help in a lot of areas. :/ ASAP! :(

    Hey everybody! Ok so i started the 12/12 today. I moved my clones and sprouts to another room. The mama plants(flowering) is under a 400w HPS. its convertible to MH but i switched since i heard HPS is better for flowering. How ever i had to put my clones under a 150w HPS lamp and 2 lil...
  19. Gallo313

    What shud I do? I lost track of age!

    Is a 150 ultra light hps Lamp enuff to flower one plant. Please answer
  20. Gallo313

    What shud I do? I lost track of age!

    ahhh...nice, nice. Thank you so much! Its that i smoke so much now a days and it gets confusing. I started to write on the wall(erasable non toxic marker). like the feeding schedule and such. I just recently made another room for the babies. See i thot that but wasnt sure if i cud really grow...