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  1. H

    should I be worried help me out MMJ family

    Totally forgot to say that this was my first time growing, I though it was gonna be easy but caught me off guard. Its a science to grown some nice flower but Im learning and enjoying it. Here are some pictures of my babies at 3 weeks flowering had some basic first time grower issues such as...
  2. H

    should I be worried help me out MMJ family

    So I noticed this on the bottom of my stem on at lest 3 of my babies, some background on them they are BlueDream flowering at week 4 indoor. Not to sure what it is but my guess maybe mold any help would be great thank you all.
  3. H

    A little help please

    Well since I got the new HPS 600 watt I had them about 12inchs away, I was thinking it could be light burn so I picked up my hood about 18 inches now. As far as soil its the Fox Farm blue bag Nut are FloraNova 4-8-7 its day 2 of flowering 1/2 teaspoon for 1 gal of water I was told
  4. H

    A little help please

    So Im a first timer at this and would really appreciate any help. So I have a problem I started off with CFL lighting then just recently went out and bought me a big boy light 600 watt HPS and now I noticed my babies are starting to get some weird yellow on them. I have been researching on what...
  5. H

    Opinion please Socal

    Yeah man one is LSD the other is ghost train haze :)
  6. H

    Opinion please Socal

    yeah man been reading like crazy lately, I just wanted to try it out and see what happen with this experiment. I do plan on doing it the correct way I was reading that March is a good start.
  7. H

    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    first time trying to grow lol hopefully they are doing okay
  8. H

    Opinion please Socal

    So these are my kids at the moment how do they look, there outdoor SoCal first time trying to grow.