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  1. soop

    Hours of Sunishine = Harvest?

    My plant has been flowering outdoors since late july .... (well thats when the buds started) ... so am I just to assume that now I get intense trich development for a week or so?
  2. soop

    what is the best way to store your weed?

    If you can't fit a bud through the mouth of a mason jar .... wow! I keep my bud in jars ... glass jars usually about 6$ for 12 at wally world. Trichomes stick to plastic so your ziploc bags aren't a good idea. When I've got my smokables out I usually keep it in smaller jars (little rubber...
  3. soop

    Harvest While Wet?

    at least another 40mm .... I already plucked one moldy bud yesterday need to get home earlier so I can see the bastards! :)
  4. soop

    Hours of Sunishine = Harvest?

    We're now down to 11.2 hours of sunshine per day .... Should total hours of sunshine not directly correlate to harvest? Any thoughts on this?
  5. soop

    Harvest While Wet?

    Ok It's been raining alot ... my plants are ready and well its due to rain more .. .should I hold out for sun, or cut 'em shake the water off a bunch and trim 'em up? Thoughts?
  6. soop

    nice and purple ... looking delish

    appreciate your opinions on these buds :) I figure this one probably has another week or two to go .... And this one I think might still have a week at most THoughts? Opinions? accolades?
  7. soop

    Is this San Pedro

    looks like it ... whats the name on the labels?
  8. soop

    Newbie needs help!! wanting to set use a closet set up!

    light on top plants on bottom pretty simple when you think about it ....
  9. soop


    They all over 6'-8' withone towering up to about 13'
  10. soop


    Ok, well they're calling for a low of 3 celsius tonight which is about 37 farenheight ... With a risk of frost ... What should I do? Pull 'em? .... Try and bag 'em? or just let them ride it out as its supposed to climb back up to about 70 tomorrow. Thoughts?
  11. soop

    Making Hash Tutorial

    I love your wife ....
  12. soop

    Outdoor drying...WHO'S TRIED IT???

    Also sunlight is apparently not good for weed, , read somewhere about thc degradation in sunlight .... dry - dark - moving air - low humidity - etc.
  13. soop

    How long can Marijuana Survive in Airtight Jars?

    Just posted on this 2 secs ago actually .... I keep mine in the mason jars until it's gone .... usually the last jar gets cracked about harvest time the next year.
  14. soop

    Curing ? and unlike many others i know to add rep!

    FYI , after drying/curing/burping etc. I usually keep my weed in jars in my cold storage till I run out ... usually about a year if not more.
  15. soop

    Going Purple?

    Yup she's being fed well ... she gets hit with the molasses tomorrow ... we've been rather wet up here the past few weeks so the soils been a tad saturated lately ... Thanks ... she's my gem ... currently about 13' tall
  16. soop

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    FDD ... if you wouldn't mind diagnosing this miserley beast ... scrappy but stickyicky
  17. soop

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Sorry for the delay .... thanks :)
  18. soop

    So I love all the gardens, what about the dogs that guard them?

    Try watching "Hachi: A Dogs Story"
  19. soop

    My Buddy Just Offered me Some Free DMT

    Please forward all excess to me @ my living room so I can sit on my floor and experience the divine ... K Thanks!
  20. soop

    Ack! Infested!

    thanks for the suggests....