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  1. J

    Yield Increase Thread

    1. Molasses or black/brown sugar - the sugars will feed the bacteria in the soil that help break down nutes in order to be absorbed. Plus, the minerals contained in molasses/black sugar improve and accelerate the metabloism of the plant. Increased my personal yeald by 15-20%. how do you go...
  2. J

    why wont my seeds germinate?

    alright I'm gonna give that a try and no i didnt check the PH come to find out our tap broke so the water i used wasnt filtered so who knows what exactly was in it lol but the wierd part is two of them sprouted and there growing at a faster rate then any of my other seedlings ever have i find...
  3. J

    why wont my seeds germinate?

    i have succesfuly germinated the same seeds i am trying to germinate now except this time im haveing trouble i started out with twenty and i soaked them in a cup of room temp water for 7 days in the dark one of the seeds cracked and showed taproot so i was worried about not enough oxygen getting...
  4. J

    seeds vs. clones ?

    I have an area that I can grow up to ten plants and Ive been growing ten plants for about 6 weeks and Ive noticed that 2 of the 10 plants ive been growing are doing much better than the other eight and yes they are all females my question is should I continue to grow ten plants or get rid of the...
  5. J

    sunporch experiment

    This is my situation I began growing this winter at the end of january I have four female plants growing under two lamps one lamp is 100 watts with a 23 watt natural light bulb and the other one is a 60 watt lamp with an 11 watt natural light bulb also there in a window which cant be seen into...
  6. J

    sunporch experiment

    This is my situation I began growing this winter at the end of january I have four female plants growing under two lamps one lamp is 100 watts with a 23 watt natural light bulb and the other one is a 60 watt lamp with an 11 watt natural light bulb also there in a window which cant be seen into...