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  1. ilovechunkygirls

    16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

    what a waste doing it in soil with that kinda setup
  2. ilovechunkygirls

    week old clones (please help!)

    soil too wet man let it dry out before u water again
  3. ilovechunkygirls

    I need a homemade humidifier! Please Help!!

    use some big shower towels and keep re wetting and hanging those up to dry couple times a day
  4. ilovechunkygirls

    When Should I Top My Plant?

    foot and a half for indica and two for sativa is a general rule however it ultimately depends on how much stretching you got going on
  5. ilovechunkygirls

    need help with grow light

    t5's are an excellent choice if you want to want to bump up to that wattage and keep power costs low, low heat properties as well