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  1. GreenEugene

    did Christmas bring the wrong white powder?

    yeah i didn't think i should, its so hard to tell what was infected an not.. its has such small patches. you don't think a spray or a water soak might work?
  2. GreenEugene

    did Christmas bring the wrong white powder?

    Went away for Christmas only to come home to a blown circuit. :cry: i was so close to cropping. So i ending up cropping. I think i have mold. Powdery Mildew mold. Any advice on what i should do? I herd h202 mix could help any one have experiance with a small amount of mold just as you...
  3. GreenEugene

    Raising Humidity/ Humidity Dome

    Should i mention they are under a 600w mh. is this to much light for new clones?
  4. GreenEugene

    Raising Humidity/ Humidity Dome

    sounds like and easier way... it only coast 7 buck so i figured it would save me some the problem just that theres to little of water under the dome and it evaporates to quick.?
  5. GreenEugene

    Raising Humidity/ Humidity Dome

    Not sure where im going wrong! I bought a humidity dome with trays and inserts the other day.. Took my first clones today but even after i soaked the root plugs and misted the inside of the dome i cant seem to get the humidity up above 50%. where am i going wrong? Did i buy to large of a...
  6. GreenEugene

    Clone sex/ cloning SourD.

    Okay its a medical clone from Cali i should be alright! Thanks!
  7. GreenEugene

    Clone sex/ cloning SourD.

    So i got a clone and i was hoping to turn it into mother plant. So i just need a little help. Since they are clones they should of been taking from a female mother plant. So will the sex stay the same or Do i need to push the clone into flowering stage to determine its sex before i start taking...
  8. GreenEugene

    Clonning Question

    you should start your clones in rock wool it would be best! for them maybe a heat pad.
  9. GreenEugene

    Clone problems

    I have 3 clones of Sour Diesel. There were doing fine until one morning i woke up and they were wilted. This is the same morning that there were suppose to move under new lights. I Transfered the plants to a larger pot and created individual humidifier domes for each plant. The clones...
  10. GreenEugene

    How do I get air from the window without being to loud / noticeable ???????

    Theres many ways to make co2 generators. hella essy man
  11. GreenEugene

    How do I get air from the window without being to loud / noticeable ???????

    Man forget about fresh air.. you need to move on to a air controlled environment! Co2 get that 1500 ppm!