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    Back in the game! Bubblelicious, Hashberry, and some freebies

    i love my hashberry ive had it for going on 2 yrs awsome strain:bigjoint:
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    best Mandala strain

    i curently grow and smoke hashberry and will never get rid of it its awsome
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    i grow hashberry and im not letting it go anywhere im keeping this for a while great medicine
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    Greenhouse White Widow, First Grow!

    i see you got the color coded greenhouse seeds i got some too but i quess i dont get the color thing i tried to germinate the white widow in paper towel and it seemed like it evaporated in to thin air. can you just stick the seed into your growing medium or do have to germinate it like usually do
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    "How to" Mushroom BRF Tek.

    i have a quick question im fruiting and there seems to be a white fuzz on the stems is this mycylium or is this bad shit
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    pinnapple chunk from seed

    hello this a my second attemt at a grow journal meet my little girl she is a freebie from attitude and is going to be cloned and cloned and cloned until i get sick of her
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    hashberry(indoor grow) afgan kush ryder(outdoor grow)

    the first is the hashberry clone it will be going in the flower room june 5.the afgan kush ryder is about 21-25 days old
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    hashberry(indoor grow) afgan kush ryder(outdoor grow)

    hello again here are some updated pictures
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    World of Seeds Strawberry Blue grow...

    i grew strawberry blue about a year ago because i love everything strawberry i loved this there is only one problem i found that there was a problem with spider mites other then that it was great
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    hashberry(indoor grow) afgan kush ryder(outdoor grow)

    This my first journal so here it goes Hasherry clone in a ghetto vegg closet with 150&200 watt cfls. Flowering room is another ghetto ass closet but it works thats under a 150 mh Afgan kush ryder is just plain ole mother nature outdoor in a garden of veggies questions, comments, death...
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    Captian's Log...F1 beans, Sannie and others

    i just harvested my hashberry an i dont want to lose this strain verrrry gooooood no im sorry verrrry verrrry gooooooooood
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    can u birth early

    it seems that my "cake " is rock hard can i put some sterile water in it as to re- hydrate it
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    mycelium age till it can

    i also have a couple of jars that seem to be "stuck" at one point what to do
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    mycelium age till it can

    so wait until your whole jar in covered then you birth is there a point when mycilum stops growing or just uh gives up
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    can u birth early

    i was wondering if you can birth your brf tek cakes ive got mabey 80% white and its been since 4-7-10
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    hashberry cut down

    bongsmilie ive finally cut down the mighty hashberry bitch.:twisted:Also made some killlllllller butter.
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    shroom jar placement

    i did the same thing i used my seed warming pad
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    Strawberry Blue, Pure Gold, anyone grow them?

    :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:idk but the leaves are HUGE i will try and post a pic of mom and kids
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    Strawberry Blue, Pure Gold, anyone grow them?

    ive ordered and currently grow strawberry blue the leaves on my mother plant are as big as a house and its a perfect clone every time just like it mom
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    going to canada after new years any seed banks in toronto

    im going up 1st of the year too butt ive already been to the one on dundus street its called the hidden jungle thats prettyu cool but where is the byop place located