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  1. S

    First timer .. Can anyone help ?

    78 - 82 here , there , never over 82 .. I water twice a week .. I like to let the soil dry alittle but not too much ..
  2. S

    First timer .. Can anyone help ?

    Ok , here's the deal.. Plants are 2wk/1d old , i water with r/o water with a ph of 6.5 .. I'm using ffof , ph was at 6.8 at runoff when i started them but as of lately my runnoff ph has been at 5.8 .. I haven't added any nutes yet becuase the soil supplies that for a good while .. Yes i have...
  3. S

    First timer .. Can anyone help ?

    Yeah i need to figure this out..
  4. S

    First timer .. Can anyone help ?
