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  1. J

    Something's wrong with my plant. Please Help!!!

    thanks a lot for the quick response vostok. I do have the four foot lights and I will be lowering them and mixing my soil better. thanks again
  2. J

    Something's wrong with my plant. Please Help!!!

    Need some help guys. My leaves are dark green and droopy, leathery looking with yellow tips. I'm about a week into flower and my leaves started looking bad about two weeks ago. It didn't start too bad, but it quickly took a turn for the worse. I have her in a 5 gallon bucket with miracle...
  3. J

    Getting close, how long?

    Bud looks good man. Mine are looking just like that. I'm giving them another week and that's it. What strain is that?
  4. J

    t5 specturm mix

    I'm experimenting now with the 8 bulb t5. Only 2 weeks into the grow and I'm using 4- 6500 k, 2- 10,000 k, and 2- 10,000 k UVA lights ( all agromax). The UVA lights are supposed to replicate the sun better, so I've read. Ill let u know how it turns out
  5. J

    BUDS OR BALLS ?? 1 st grow

    Yes, all pics are from same plant. Already taken care of, may he and his manhood rest in peace
  6. J

    BUDS OR BALLS ?? 1 st grow

    Thanks for the quick responses. Pulling it now
  7. J

    BUDS OR BALLS ?? 1 st grow

    looking for some help. this is my first grow and the plants are very healthy but i cant tell if im seeing a potential bud site or are they just balls. have 5 plants in there so i really want to remove this one if its male. all 3 pics are from same plant. thanks for your help
  8. J

    Leaves curling Up. 1 st grow newb needs help!!!

    If u look close, leaves are curling up, or cupping if u will
  9. J

    Leaves curling Up. 1 st grow newb needs help!!!

    Thanks for the quick reply Scrog
  10. J

    Leaves curling Up. 1 st grow newb needs help!!!

    i switched to flower a week and a half ago and leaves are curling pretty good ( this started before flowering, but wasnt too bad) growing in mg moisture control, temp is around 75 and humidity fluctuates from 53 to 60. using bcuzz additives sparingly and havent used them in over a week ...
  11. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    Thanks For the advice, gonna get a ph tester immediately
  12. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    And thanks to u too jiggy, will check ph also
  13. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    Thanks lucifer, will do
  14. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    Spray the base of stem Every 3 days with the growth addititive, and give like 5 or 6 sprays a dayof water when not using growth.Too much?
  15. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    Thanks for the quick responses. I'm using b cuzz growth right now, and feed every 2 or 3 days. Other than that just water in mg moisture control potting soil. It is a grow box with Mylar, but I keep the door open with a fan on and window open. Temps are mid 70s, don't know humidity or have ph...
  16. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    If u look closely, u can see the edges of the leaves starting to curl a little. I just don't want it to get out of control. I'm like a crazy parent with a new baby
  17. J

    Total newb here. Leaves are curling up. Help!!!

    Im gonna try to add some pics. The color of the plant looks fine, Then again, what do i know, but some of the upper leaves are curling upwards. This is my first attempt to grow and could use some help. Other info- im using t5's about 5 inches above plant, and using b cuzz growth additive (...