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  1. I

    ever try MDMA?

    mmm mollys are def amazing! luck son of a gun
  2. I

    Whats this? I have a green thumb!

    soil sorry ... would this work as a light?
  3. I

    Whats this? I have a green thumb!

    Hey new to the fourms with a question for the more experienced... im starting to grow indoors and want to get a material list going ...was wondering if anyone had one.... Pref something along the lines of 5 plants mayb 10 in the future... germaniting seeds as we speak... please keep in mind...
  4. I

    Possible Problem? Need Advice

    well pics up within the next hour or so....i scopped from left n right with my hands took the plant out ...but he fell over in my hand and all that showed was a 2inch root + i just tucked him into the new container very carefully....
  5. I

    Possible Problem? Need Advice

    hey guys n gals new to the fourms....i just as of 20 seconds ago transplanted a 3inch mayb 4inch plant ( random seed planted ;-( ) pics soon ...when i transplanted i put humus mix and potting soil + liquid compost mix into a bigger pot ...but when i was x-fering i fucked up i think .... only...