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  1. V

    aerogarden rocks

    Yeah i have the dual airstones and at week 5 had to go get a new light and moved the hood light to a mounting i made at the back of the aerogarden as u can see in my pics between week 4-5 saw massive growth did a few trimmings to make it bush out looking strong i have it on tomatoe setting and...
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    New Aerogarden Grow what do ya think???

    theyre looking good mate id suggest some refective material at the front ur little one there seems to be struggling for light here are my ones at 3 weeks and id suggest some form of bracing to the back one the stem seems a little warped for the weight that it will gain and u need to cover them...
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    Aerogarden Pro 200 First Grow!. Advice!

    i have 2 plants going great after just 3 weeks and little crowns popping up everywhere i have the settings on tomatoes and manually turn the light on after its off for 3 hrs. I went to a hydro shop after reading how crap the nute tabs were and they hooked me up with their own blend (looked like...
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    aerogarden rocks

    ok guys things are still going strong heres some pics from week 3 any questions ppl may have feel free to post them here
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    aerogarden rocks

    Big kudos go out to the aerogarden faq thread in these forums helped me out a lot (1st time grower) so i thought the aerogarden would be an easy way to learn and it is. Assembled random seeds from seperate good smokes id had over the last few months a few didnt work as i assume the seeds were...