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  1. T

    Is it a he or a she

    is that any good to smoke? These seeds were from a weed we bought.
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    Whats a hermie

    Heard this used a couple of times so whats a hermie?
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    Is it a he or a she

    Whats a hermie?
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    Is it a he or a she

    Totally gutted. Another male...............sob sob. I have two other plants that are no way as bushy as the two previous plants and i was going to wait a while before i put it into the budding cycle, Could i put it in the 12/12 cycle now and get the same output as would a more bushier plant...
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    Is it a he or a she

    Okay here we go more pics
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    Is it a he or a she

    getting the camera out again. Please please please be female
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    Is it a he or a she

    No you cannot be serious......................argh ............... Another Male? Shall i take more pics and post as two of you have conflicting opinions
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    Is it a he or a she

    Hi All Put some pics on here last week asking if my second plant was female. Think i was too eager cos no one could say positively either way. Can anyone tell me now please. Really hoping its a female as my first plant to grow turned out to be male ........sob sob Its now over 2ft tall...
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    When do i take a cutting off the plant to clone? Not sure if its female yet as a newbie. Pics here If this plant is female when can i take cuttings off to clone? Any help would be appreciated Terroricia
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    3 days into flowering & still nothing

    took just over two weeks for my departed first ever plant (male) first showed any signs of flowering. My second of still undetermined sex has just started to bud and that was just over a week. Just be patient it will happen.
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Thanks alot Entheo. Much appreciated. Trying to contain my excitement here if it is for sure a female. Can anyone else give me an opinon on the sex please. Also help with the other questions i have as below So here is where i need some advice. I keep it in the 12/12 cycle for how long? And...
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    my first grow

    your friend harvest every two weeks? where does he live i need to move in next door to him.................lmao
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    yes the last lot are of another plant...................go on say its female ,say its female please please please please
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    Crikey Dixie what part the UK you from we're being charged 160-180 here in the south east. Everything is getting really rare round here going dry most months and we're having to go further and further afield to find anything. Knew of 2 months when my town and surrounding was dry for two...
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Great names rw. Not been on here for a couple of days cos i been mourning the death of Happy or should i say Mr Happy. Sent him off to see Saint Peter as advised. On a happier note (pardon the pun) I have some pictures of Dopey. After only 7 days on the 12/12 cycle i think its starting to...
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Have you never smoked a tomato plant? Man you dont know what you are We have young ones around so its easier to call them that. They even have names The one that has just passed away was called Happy. Then we have dopey and the other two are called doc and bashful...
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Strain? Havent a clue. These were given to me by my nephew when these plants outgrew his kitchen window. Think he just used seeds that he got attached to some smoke he bought. Out of the 4 he gave me (now down to three.........sob :cry:) 3 of which look like the one in the pictures above...
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Well I'm just gutted :cry::cry::cry: My baby is the wrong sex. Got the other half to bury it in the rubbish bin. Said a little prayer for it. Shall cry myself to sleep tonight I think more than anything i wanted it to be female. Hopefully that hasnt pollenated the other 3 I have. Will post...
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Hi Here are the rest of the pictures i have. These were taken after three weeks of the 12/12 cycle. Still unsure what sex it is. So what do you think guys?
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    Male or Female by the Terror

    Hi Guys Here from the Southern part of the UK growing "Tomato Plants" I have 4 in total. These were given to me because they outgrew the window sill that they were going on. Never grown "Tomatoes" before and am very very confused by it all. Have read many things on this website and from what...