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  1. Y


    thats why yetis out of a bong aint as good dummy god ur hard headed
  2. Y


    its dope that makes the smoke not the bottle bigger bottle has less dense smoke ....
  3. Y


    lol u r all fuckd up gently go fuck ur selves and enjoy ur lame somk'n devices
  4. Y


    n iff there rly that smart theyll know im a diff person
  5. Y


    my keyboard fuckd sry bout missin letters got to use my on screen keyboard for alot of letters n i sometimes forget to :|
  6. Y


    ok well askin me if i was rapd by big foot is beyond insulting cuz i am i girl not a guy im not can tokez n like u jus dont say that what if i was rapd like rly its more insulting then sa u guys r stupid n cant get any
  7. Y


    n no i ain cantokez or w/e how it spelld but no i also dont care if this account gets shut i find it crazy how so many ppl diss something they know nothing about if ur in that much denile that i'm not a girl its not m fault as i said ppl got the same opinions like around here everyone litteraly...
  8. Y


    n oooohhhhh ya stonedpony u love sock accounts? here i'll correct that for u, u love sock babies cuz thats the only type of baby u will ever get to make
  9. Y


  10. Y


    my sory if ur a stupid piece of shit who thinks he is smart but rly ur a fuckin stupid fag who cant get his mind of a snowman cuz no one or nothing else wants him and u dont know what ur missin when dissin the yeti
  11. Y


    also nvr realized how good yetis r
  12. Y


    ohhhhhhh yes fuckin fake account im sure im a fuckin girl person u where talkin to bout yettis was a guy sry if i got the same opinion n u guys dunno the awesome way to smoke weed like i said if u had a clue how to do em u'd love them
  13. Y


    wow after reading all u idiots comment i can now fully tell myslef without question tha u u.s ppl are FUCKING STUPID IDIOT i been smokin weed aince i 10 and i've always done yetties no matter what other device i try i always go back to the yetti if made right u get an amazing high and taste if...