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  1. K

    Your opinions on Vaporizing

    Hi, Just wanted to ask you all your opinions on vaporizing. I used to have an old school conduction vaporizer; and it used a lot of bud and never really gave me the results. Then I tried a whip type convection unit homemade by a friend of mine, again with poor results. So I am thinking all...
  2. K

    when to transplant and to what size

    Hi, I'm growing in a greenhouse. My plants are in 1 gal containers now, and they are 8 - 12" and seem healthy (no discoloration, good growth.) They are in FOXFARM ocean forest soil, using a heavy feeding of foxfarm growbig 6-4-4 every other watering. As they are growing quickly I would like...
  3. K

    light meter

    bump, please reply
  4. K

    light meter

    Let me start by saying I not totally clear about the difference between lumens, lux, and footcandles; but I have some knowledge. I am thinking about the Hydrofarm digital light meter. Is this a good meter? It is only $50, while some cost much more. They also have an analog meter for $30...