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  1. M

    Suggestions on a CFL set up>?

    no offense taken...i was just thinking anything is possible maybe i actually do need nutes...i had an outdoor veggy garden this year it turned out really really good with just water and sunlight but i was wondering is that cuz it was just veggys now so maybe i should reasearch into some nutes...
  2. M

    Suggestions on a CFL set up>?

    i got a compost bin so i could just use that and mix into my already there when it comes to that..any suggestion on organic nutes...can i use just a very little bit of the nutes? im just experimenting with things untill i find a method that works for me and then ill run with that method.
  3. M

    Suggestions on a CFL set up>?

    my closet is 4 wide 6 1/2 tall and 3 1/2 feet deep...i was planning on just doing two plants for this time since its my first real grow attempt...and why wouldnt you be able to grow without nutes i mean the plants been here on earth for ever and im sure there were no nutes helping it not...
  4. M

    Suggestions on a CFL set up>?

    Hello...i am a first time grow and i am planning on using water and soil only no nutes...and i was wondering if anyone has any suggestions on a cfl set up i got a closet perfect for it i just need some help suggesting lights and all that...ill take a pic asap of the closet so you can put you...
  5. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    Thanks for all the help i think im going to go with my bag seeds for the first time since everyone seems to think that is the smartest thing to do...thanks for all your help ill post a journal for you guys to keep track and help me threw the process never can have to much help is the way i...
  6. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    how long should i leave my ligths and junk on for vegging like 18/6 or is that to much for just tryin to get everything planned out so it works like a smooth operation...any grow tips would be much appercaited..a
  7. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    and you said aviod getting caught temperature do the cfls run a high temperature or something? becuz i thought they were lower temp cuz u can pretty much touch one while its turned on and not get burnt or anything..
  8. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    i am not still at home so it is not a problem....i was just thinkin about two plants for now since its my frist grow..Beleive me i have been giving auto flowers a hard thought. but i heard they arent as good smoke..I got all the time in the world so i can give all my time into this operation 100...
  9. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    i was thinking the exact same thing...and yea i have grow veggies and other stuff before had my frist garden this year actually and it turned out pretty good had some tomatoes,peppers,strawberry's and even some corn. but that was outside. thats why i even had the idea to try to do indoor. i have...
  10. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    i have heard some sketchy things about attitude in some other posts on here...about not getting seeds and information being stolen form their credit card think i may just go with my seeds i have and order some after..or clone the plants once their able to be cloned...and any...
  11. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    but the bagseeds are form strained bud to so hopefully all would be well..
  12. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    since its my frist grow i think im going to go with my bag seeds for this test run since it being my frist grow then move up to ordering would that be smartin then ordering seeds for a first time grower?? i just have been smoking so much good bud i dont wanna grow anything unless its going to be...
  13. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    alrite thank you...and do you guys know what size lights i should use i was think on going with 105 watt cfls maybe three of them...
  14. M

    Need help finding a seed bank...please help!!!!

    I have been researching auto flowers just wanna get some other opinons and suggestions on where to get them form...thanks for the help...:):):)