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  1. M

    Great deal!!

    Can anyone back up whether these are any good? I might pick myself up one if they're cheap and good! I mean as in that these aren't cheap Chinese knockoffs
  2. M

    GLH Spectra 120w grow help

    Hey guys! Due to our first lot of seeds not getting delivered the grow was push back a few weeks, until now. We have germinated 5 seeds and are just about to transfer them into pots. We're going to buy some cfls to boost the light when the plant gets a bit bigger, is this a good idea? Also, I'm...
  3. M

    GLH Spectra 120w grow help

    Do you guys think I'll be able to grow 2 (or more) of these (Bomb THC Bomb Femininized Seeds) under it and should I get any supplementary lighting? Thanks for the help guys! :) Also I know it's been asked a thousand times but...
  4. M

    GLH Spectra 120w grow help

    Um we're doing a 1.5 by 2 meters case; we're building the space out of wood, putting some mylar on it and wheels to make it easy to move around, it should be pretty good.
  5. M

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey, how's it going everyone? I'm Matt from Australia. I'm just starting my first indoor grow with LED's. I made a thread over there about it! Thanks everyone, nice to be joining the community!
  6. M

    GLH Spectra 120w grow help

    Hey guys I'm new here, I just bought a GLH Spectra 120w grow light and am about to start a grow and was just wondering how good the GLH Spectra 120w is and how many plants could I grow under it? I was also wondering if I need to get a flowering LED light like this...