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  1. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Hey xxgmrxx, thanks for yah wise insightful stoner input. Yeah its pretty sad to shelve the 600watt, but that sounds like a good idea, using the cfl's just to veg the plants. It would buy me some time so I wouldnt end up halting my grow any further. Now yah mention it that audio foam they...
  2. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    hey tom, I was using a 150mm Axial-Inline 120 LPS fan.
  3. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Hey Barncle Bill! Really, thanks for your help and support, you've been awsome. Hows your grows going? Excellent I hope. Here's some stuff I've learnt over the past few weeks..... Its 10x harder trying to build/work in a cramped environment. Get the right tool for the right...
  4. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Hey all, Well first off I just want to apologize about the lack of updates, everyone who's been leaving msgs and stuff have been incredibly helpful and supportive and just plain old cool. But holly shit has building this room been a trial, my main prob has been a high temperature and high noise...
  5. kiwiman

    Tent or Room?

    A tent is def quicker to set up but with all the stuff I would be hanging (lights, carbon filter, cooltubes, fans) I was worried about how much weight the bars in the tents could hold so I made a closet. Also wouldn't you have to buy equip that matched the hole sizes in the tents for fans etc...
  6. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    UPDATE Had a hell of a time installing the 15cm intake fan as I didnt have a cutter attachment bigger enough for the hole, so as you can see I drilled a 10cm hole and then went around it with a 2 cm attachment. Then filed it down, damn what a pain.... The bad news it, its loud as fuck, I...
  7. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    I've got a shit load of bagseed so I think i will go do that right now, just incase the paper towel method fails on me again. Ta galo, wish I could offer you some advice for your med grow but you seem more than capable!
  8. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Nah, Im a bit nervous bout the seeds as they show no signs of life yet and its been a few days already. So you just leave them floating in water? If these dont start moving I might try that method. Thats a good idea with the fan placement, I was going to measure the pots in the morning and...
  9. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    thanks man :bigjoint:
  10. kiwiman

    GrowCab setup

    Hey man, thats a real nice setup. What strain are you going to grow in there? and how tall are you going to grow them?
  11. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    UPDATE: Just pretty much finished installing the carbon filter, all thats left is to add another bracket behind it to keep it pressed against the hole in the wall and to add tape around the joins. Also drilled the hole for the ballast and moved the lamp hooks around for the 3rd time...
  12. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Looks like you got a good clean setup, some kick ass lights for those seedlings to.
  13. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Thats awsome man, Im from New Zealand and thats why I (and most growers I guess) grow there own. To get away from all the jerks and pricks that you have to involve yourself with. Hey Barncle Bill, Thats one hell of a nice grow, green and bushy, smoked any of them yet?
  14. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Bagseed. You said "you cannot get that down here", where are you from? Just out of interest.
  15. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Yep its called perlite, and as for you being a noob it sounds like your doing very well with your grow and learning alot of usefull info along the way I bought 100ltrs of perlite for about 30 bucks(US). We dont have Miracle grow in nz but I have read alot about it. My soil mix im using is...
  16. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Thanks man, its gonna be a while but it should be worth it! Here's some pics for yah from my first attempt, using the rubbermaid. A long story short on why they died... 1) Something started attacking them (as seen in pics) 2) Sprayed with neem oil, with the lights still on.... 3) Came...
  17. kiwiman

    Our Medical Co-op Grow Room - Legal in our State!

    Man, what an amazing grow. AND for such a good cause, honestly... best of luck with this!
  18. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    ChillCat, that sounds like the smart way to do it. How much do you think you will get off the plant? Also, any ideas on how to resolve the heat issue? extra fans maybe? I had my small pc fan connected to some ducting that ran to that small grill you can see in some of my pictures. Kept it...
  19. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Hey galo, thanks for your rubbermaid cloner tip, if all goes well I'll need a cloning bin in the future. I plan on starting with some seeds that are germanting as we speak, hope to have them in the soil either tommowor or the day after. Just random bag seed. HOLLY SHIT, I just checked out...
  20. kiwiman

    Newbie growbox diary.

    Decided to do a bit more work tonight, just roughly screwed on ballast to the outside of the growbox. Will finish the lighting off in the morning..