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  1. R

    Any experience with semi-flushing?

    Hi all fella growers! I have a quick question, so I over-fertilized/nute burned my ladies and I know the solution is to flush with 3 x the water compared to the pot size, ie. 3 gallon pot = 9 gallons of water. But I just recently over fertilized, so this watering I used a mild nutrient mix...
  2. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    Alrighty guys, today I watered and hopefully this will give us an idea of whats goin on. My input water was a mild solution of advanced nutrients ferts and my input TDS measured at 500 ppm and my input ph was 6.6. My runoff measured in at 1700+ and ph of 6.4-6.5... Is it safe to assume that...
  3. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    no but thats what im thinkin too, i should be watering tomorrow but at the latest Thursday and I can't wait to see if that is my problem, I hate seein my ladies look sad. I'll post the results of my next watering input and runoff. thanks jaw
  4. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    not yet, im prolly gonna do a semi flush when i water tomorrow, because im almost certain my problems began with a lockout by my faulty ph pen then i got nute burn by trying to correct a P/Mg def... so i plan on watering with plain tap until my runoff is around 6.5, and then hold off of nutes...
  5. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    thats what im thinkin due to my f'ed ph pen, my next watering will be tomorrow so finally i can get an accurate ph reading from my runoff. that should be very helpful in diagnosis. do you have to flush to fix a lockout or am i fine as long as my runoff's ph is ~6.5?
  6. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    well i may have found my problem... my ph pen was way off and it wouldnt calibrate correctly so i got a new one, and have my fingers crossed!
  7. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    hmm iono though because shouldnt nute burn be worse away from the light because the areas that are further away from the light are the same strains and theyre receiving the same dose so why is the bad spots directly under the light? im thinkin a deficiency or lockout or even light stress but my...
  8. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    whew 90 gallons is a huge job, i'd have to drain trays i have em in with my shopvac and it only holds 2 gallons at a time so id have to empty it 45 times, i really hope leaching would help :-( wouldnt my input ph and runoff ph indicate im not having nute lock? and maybe that could indicate a...
  9. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    Thats not the case lol I've just heard a lot of advice, and yours sounds like the most accurate so far. hmm, is there anyway I can test my input ph and my runoff ph to see if there is a ph drop problem? I've been watering with 6.3 ph and the runoff has consistently measured 6.4-6.5, but last...
  10. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    are there no experts out there that know whats wrong? on a different board i've had a number of people say they think its nute burn... im kinda back to square one when i read its heat stress/light bleaching/deficient/over fertilized....thats all the diagnoses i've received so far on 3 different...
  11. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    ok its been 3 days since ive added a light dose of cal-mag and theyre still lookin a little rough but maybe it hasn't been long enough yet since it is soil, but if anyone thinks they can diagnose this problem it would make me feel a lot better. thanks guys and imma keep my fingers crossed
  12. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    i definitely can if its needed, but im curious why a pic of my root bag would help identify my problem?
  13. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    thanks guys, my light is about 16-18 inches from the canopy currently but originally i thought it was light bleaching combined with heat stress so i moved the light up to about 30 inches from the canopy for 5-7 days but they continued looking worse so thats why i dropped it back down, and last...
  14. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    Well despite the overwhelming number of, I added some cal-mag and raised my ph to 6.5 so hopefully it is a magnesium deficiency, but nonetheless I could still use some experts opinions, so I added some better pictures that show the problem areas a little better. Again all help...
  15. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    after a little more research and talkin with some buddies does anyone think it mat be Mg? it is a little over 4 weeks into flowering... either way imma add a light dose of calmag and i'll post my results in a few days, maybe it will help others in the future
  16. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    does anyone else have any ideas on how to fix my ladies?
  17. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    thanks alot for the fast response, do you have any idea what deficiencies they have?
  18. R

    Problem, 10 plants, 1k, not sure?

    Hi all, Well I've done the majority of my research here for my first grow and would like to thank all that contribute! I started with 8 hybrids (white widow, and pure power plant) and 1 indica (blue hash) and they've done extremely well but I'm noticing what looks like heat stress maybe...
  19. R

    Aeroponic Setup, can I run 2 pumps on the same closed loop? **PICS**

    The only bad thing that I'm worried about is if a pump did go out, I would have so little time to notice the problem before all is lost. It makes sense that the 2 pumps will help to achieve the maximum GPH as indicated on each pump. So it would be beneficial to have them inline if when the...
  20. R

    Aeroponic Setup, can I run 2 pumps on the same closed loop? **PICS**

    Thanks for the response! The wattage used is minimal and not nearly a concern when compared to all the other environmental controlling factors plus lights ( the EcoPlus 1267 GPH pump is 90 watts and will only be ran for 4 hours a day total, 1 min on 5 off ). I still don't understand why having 2...