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  1. W

    For you AZ boys. What's your drying method?

    Look at your calculator a little closer, its 1.18lbs not 11.8
  2. W

    Will an AZ Medical Marijuana Card keep you out of jail? Maybe not!

    It doesn't matter what it says on the card, what matters is the law that the people of az voted in.
  3. W

    trying to source quality genetics for dispensary

    Actually growing has been legal for about 1 year and 2 months, and I haven't been growing to find "elite" strains for a dispenserary, I have been growing to find the right strains for the ailments that hinder me and my parents who both are also card holders. This opportunity just came up and I...
  4. W

    trying to source quality genetics for dispensary

    Actually I have been growing for quite a few years and have grown some excellent stuff, but everything I have grown has been from seeds off the internet. Due to the fact that what I have been doing was illegal I have never been able to due large grows to find the elite pheno from different...
  5. W

    trying to source quality genetics for dispensary

    Actually he was the only applicant in the zone he applied for as well as another area that he doesn't know because there were 4 other applicants too. we are just trying to plan ahead for when he does get his operating license after Aug 4. Do you really think everyone starts this with all the...
  6. W

    trying to source quality genetics for dispensary

    Hey guys, I know a guy who got awarded a dispensary here in az and he has asked for my help acquiring quality medicinal strains and i was hoping some of you fine growers can point me in the right direction. I have decent seeds from the tude but I don't think that will cut it for meds. We are...
  7. W

    For you AZ boys. What's your drying method?

    I take off all the fan leaves then hang the whole plant in a closet with a small humidifier for 5-7 days then take the buds off and put them in a paper bag for a few days if its still too wet, usually only for 24-36 hours then jar it up. After the jars draw out the inner moisture, if its too...
  8. W

    What Base Nutrient line are you running?

    You run gh grow and bloom with no micro? Or did you mean micro and bloom? I use to use gh but cns is all I will use now. Awesome in coco.
  9. W

    Leaf coloring?

    I'm pretty sure it is. GH makes cal mag too.
  10. W

    Deep Water Culture Question.. (83 Degree Water. Too Hot?)

    Your humidity is fine. Actually in flower 30% is a good target for humidity. It keeps mold away and some say it makes the plants produce more trichs. Your temps are obviously too high, but I didnt have to tell you that.
  11. W

    Leaf coloring?

    you need to get some calmag supplement
  12. W

    Nirvana's free seeds

    I just got finished germ'n my Nirvana seeds too. Here's where I'm pissed... I bought 10 papaya fem'd seeds. I recieved the mystery seeds too. Out of the 10 seeds I bought 3 popped. Out of 5 mystery seeds, all 5 popped. I hope the mystery beans are good, and I hope they aren't all boys either...
  13. W

    DWC salt build up

    what kind of water are you using? you may have really hard water, or I hope not, but maybe softened water?
  14. W

    second try at dwc, need a guru

    wow! your tap is awesome. mine has a ppm of 350. With your nutes giving you proper ph is about right. I know with technaflora nutes it does that too, puts ph right at 6 (with RO water anyways) but if you dont have the correct ppm your ph will shift drastically on you, so its always a good idea...
  15. W

    second try at dwc, need a guru

    If your ph is going down then you have too high of ppm, if ph goes up the ppm is too low. res temps should be between 65-75f, with 70 being optimal. anything warmer than that and you are asking for root rot.
  16. W

    Leaf coloring?

    are your leaves becoming a darker green or like a lime green? if they are getting darker its prob N but if they are turning lime(ish) then it might be Mg.