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  1. S

    The Art of The Auto

    hey guys i need some info on growing some autos, only thing is that it is winter here not many hours of daylight, maybe about 9-10? will the autos bud normally? or should i use lights instead of growing them outdoor?
  2. S

    The Art of The Auto

    well give me some info on your grow dude!
  3. S

    The Art of The Auto

    has anybody grown autos from big buddha? i am starting a 1st time grow with 5 fem automatics from Big Buddha any info on the amount of lights i should use? watts? cfl's or hps?
  4. S

    Mimimum amount of light an autoflowering strain can take??

    so i can grow it even if hours of daylight are only about 10 hours at the moment where i live? gets light about 7am and dark at 5pm? is that ok? will it grow normally and flower after? same yield?