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  1. S

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Same it's been perfect weather in my neck of mass
  2. S

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    I ended up putting up a makeshift fence and it seems to be working well no incidents
  3. S

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Thank you for that I wasn't sure if it was the deer attack or the timing
  4. S

    How are things looking?

    I'm growing in the same pots as you
  5. S

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    How are you guys doing? I need updates and to figure out a way to downsize my pictures to upload them. My plants were attacked by deer but have since recovered. I feel like I am way behind tho as they are not showing preflowers yet.
  6. S

    2023 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

    Real close to home