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  1. erbalis

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    Guess what, I see that the hypothetical nature of this thread is actually preventing a logical and rational discussion. There is No misinformation here! **Due diligence is expected to be done before you throw up a rebuttal.:wall: Im sure it doesnt take much to grow enough for "tea", I got...
  2. erbalis

    Growing My Own Cocain Plants.

    LOLOL.. On a serious note, :shock:some JD advice for the author of the thread... If you would like a fairly respectable tenure as a prison inmate, go ahead and attempt to grow poppy, and or cocoa plants..... If by some, highly-improbable chance, you do some how succeed at cultivating...
  3. erbalis

    60 grams wet = ? dry

    How long did you let it dry out?
  4. erbalis

    12/12 from seed - stringy ?

    They are in the same area as my others. The only difference is i started these from seed , while the others were in gflower lighting schedule. The lower leaves are normal, just the new leaves are like rolled up. odd. The pH is about the same as the others, same soil and water is used. Ill move...
  5. erbalis

    12/12 from seed - stringy ?

    Lights are an inch away from them- several lights actually. avg temp is 78 maybe its the nutes
  6. erbalis

    12/12 from seed - stringy ?

    I dont even know how to describe. Photos will have to speak. Any clue what is wrong???
  7. erbalis

    Post Your CFL Setup!!!

    Thinking of changing it up :blsmoke:
  8. erbalis

    Maybe another month??

    Agreed- Im in no rush. Just curious. Thanks for the repliesbongsmilie
  9. erbalis

    Maybe another month??

    I probably should have given some background info. I almost killed her about 3 weeks ago. I believe that the pH was too low and the plant was about 75% yellow. This was about 1 1/2 weeks into flower. I flushed it with baking soda and pH balanced water and the yellowing stopped. Since then Ive...
  10. erbalis

    Maybe another month??

    Apparently my first attempt at this so bear with me. Im thinking 4 or so more weeks. What do you think?
  11. erbalis

    fan leaf removal???

    Roseman,UB - Are you suggesting that I leave the "highlighter-yellow" leaves alone. Are they contributing to the overall growth and development of the plant in any way? I have a basic understanding of Botany and cutting off a healthy-green leaf would be absurd but a "completely" yellow one...
  12. erbalis

    Up to Date Photos of Your Girls!

    4 weeks flower - bagseed experiment
  13. erbalis

    RIU is Full of Adults! (and they won't let me in)

    This rant gives JDs a bad name :wall:
  14. erbalis

    How can I smoke a freshly cut bud ? pleaseee

  15. erbalis

    Green Air Products

    :roll: I guess Ill see for myself if this stuff burns the pubes off my ladies
  16. erbalis

    Yet another 1st timer!!

    Thanks for the encouragement.
  17. erbalis

    Yet another 1st timer!!

    Week 4 of flowering. They damn near died 2 weeks ago- 75 % turned yellow They seem to have been saved:bigjoint: Comments Welcome :leaf:
  18. erbalis

    Green Air Products

    I picked up some product by the name of Green Air Products a few days ago from Home Depot. They have a bottle for veg- higher N than P and a little lower K than P.( not near the bottle right now to say specific numbers) and they also carry a Bloom solution that is lower in N and high in Pand K...
  19. erbalis

    Green Air Products

    Hello Guys/Gals/Others, I picked up some product by the name of Green Air Products a few days ago from Home Depot. They have a bottle for veg- higher N than P and a little lower K than P.( not near the bottle right now to say specific numbers) and they also carry a Bloom solution that is lower...
  20. erbalis

    DWC/Bubble/Drip all the same?

    Responses and advice are much appreciatedbongsmilie