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  1. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    oioi, hows it growin? i havnt been on for a while, but i got news, nice buds for a first grow, smelly smelly, uk cheese!! two weeks from harvest, il pop a selection of pics up this week. got 9 blue cheese cuttings ready for my new system woop woop!!! grow tent, 400watt hps, drippers, big fuck...
  2. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    phew!! im using vita link max nutes but it doesnt say when to change em, nevermind il just take it as it comes init. nice one doob :-)
  3. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yo guys, iv put my cheese ladies on 12/12 but have i fucked it by not giving them 36 hours of darkness?? also, iv got flowering ang vegging nutes, do i start giving them flowering nutes when i see visible signs of flowering or shall i blend them? the plants all look ok at the mo, healthy and...
  4. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i heard that nft was easy so i had a crack, then some bloke who'd been growin for years told me that it was the hardest type of hydro setup. to be honest its been a doddle, iv changed my reservoir every 5 days, i dont have an ec meter and i get by with a budget ph testing kit (not a stick)...
  5. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yo, on monday im gonna put my cheesey babies into flower, however, one of the plants is lovin it too much and is bigger than the rest, its sorta smothering one of the others, they're in an nft system, just wondering if i can move a plant slighty or if that would fuck it cause of the roots. the...
  6. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    1. what does that mean?? 2. i need to flower my plants as if i veg them any longer they will be too big for my wardrobe!! has anyone got any tips on trimming them before i flower them? or topping? im not familiar with either practice but iv heard i can increase my yield, iv got just over 3...
  7. rustyj107

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yo yo, im a newbie grower and have recently started my first grow (five cheese plants in an nft sytem in a wardrobe with a 250w hps, i started them off on a blue spectrum cfl but they didnt seem to be lovin it so i ordered the hps and within a day of sticking it over them they went wild, theyr...