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  1. G

    Grow Light Question

    thanks dude
  2. G

    Who's Got The Fostiest Buds? Let's See How Frosty A Bud Can Really Get?

    first grow bubbleberry turned out way better then exspected
  3. G

    Hermie Question

    i was wondering if a clone could grow to be a hermie
  4. G

    First Time Grower

    first i would suggest getting grow lights. if you want something worth growing. you can get some cheap cfls if money is an issue or the good old sun (outdoors). sitting in front of a window will grow it but very little bud
  5. G

    Male/Female? With Pics

    give it a few more days and youll know for sure
  6. G

    What are the Pro's and Con's to Topping?

    yea it all depends on the strain
  7. G

    Is Topping Necessary?

    that is true. i prefer to lst or scrog over topping just because its less stress on my girls
  8. G

    What are the Pro's and Con's to Topping?

    as far as when to do it... once the plant has solid root production your good to go.
  9. G

    What are the Pro's and Con's to Topping?

    topping increases your yield but puts more stress on your plant. i prefer lst or scrog if your trying to increase yield sizes.
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    Male/Female? With Pics

    how long has it been in flower? i cant really tell but id say you might have a lil lady
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    Is Topping Necessary?

    topping does raise the yield but it is not necessary, they will still grow whether you top it or not. by not topping it you will have 1 main cola instead of 2.
  12. G

    Grow Light Question

    i was going to put a 400 in there but the guy at my shop said that it would be to hot and would be difficult to cool. this is my first time with hps i have 2 clamp fans and 1 oscilating fan and it stays about 80-85.
  13. G

    Grow Light Question

    hey i have a grow tent (4ftLx2ftWx5ftT) with 4 plants that are lst(2 in soil 2 in DWC). for my lighting i have 2 150 watt hps lights. my two questions are 1. is this enough light? and 2. is that enough room? this is my first lst and second grow ever. any help is appriciated thanks