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  1. dLoc07

    The Army

    An artillery man!! I used to be in the military ... As you are, I also was a cannon crew member for the US army. Loved it!! Yu won't meet a better set of guys than those in artillery!! I was on the 109 howitzer, and the 119 howitzer. The 109 howitzer were 155mm rounds, and the 119 howitzer were...
  2. dLoc07

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    Well update: I think I found a girl that has so e great shit... Not 100%sure but that's what she says. I'll find out when I see her on Tuesday if it's as good as she says.
  3. dLoc07

    Post That Sack You Just Got

    I'm so fucking jealous!!! I just moved to the east coast from Hawaii, and don't know anyone around here with good bud... Found one guy, and then one day he just quit answering his phone... A few days later he said quit texting and calling me....???? No idea what happened.
  4. dLoc07

    Looks like we might lose another child.

    I don't really like putting my personal past on here, but it really sounds like you need the help. I used to be a heroin addict for about 8-10 years of my life... And what saved me was my family, who was always there for me, let me know I could trust them and would get me help when I was...
  5. dLoc07

    Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes - all of which have recently hit the East Coast

    Even though we've had our differences in the past... I have to, and couldn't agree with you more! I've done white a bit if research on this 2012 subject, and he mayans... And here's what I have found. Whether it be fact or fiction, it's what I took into account. The mayans never said the end of...
  6. dLoc07

    What's Your Best Moment Of Life?

    Thank you!!
  7. dLoc07

    What's Your Best Moment Of Life?

    Getting off the plane, getting back from Iraq, and Afghanistan. Best feeling in the world!!!
  8. dLoc07

    This dog will die ... by my hands

    I'm sorry, I disagree!! Big time!! Her mother did make a choice, and it is his wife takes his kid over there, it is her fault... But next time she takes their kid over there, and he doesn't know about it, might be the very last. I would never risk it. My kid, or a fucking dog?? You know your...
  9. dLoc07

    This dog will die ... by my hands

    I don't believe in killing animals, but if one went after my daughters, it would be the last thought he had. Do what you have too. Animals love antifreeze... And it kills them.... Soak some bread in anti freeze and the dog will kill itself!!
  10. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    Why are you on this site anyways?? Are you growing??? Pictures or you're lying...
  11. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    Know your place bro... Trust me, I've invested time, effort, and given alot of advice on this here site... Everyone knows what I'm talking about except you... So please feel free to fuck off. 10 fucking posts, and you're trying to act like some kind of mod. You're a clown!
  12. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    Yeah this thing sucks for auto spell. But it's th best tablet I've ever used in my life!!!
  13. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    EARNED every dime of it... And I said I made that, not inherited or was given it.
  14. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

  15. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    Yes... I'm using my iPad, b/c my laptop charger ate shit the other day... Haven't had time to get a new one... So I'm using safari for now Hey, dLoc, are you on an iphone by any chance or using Safari? Why what's up?
  16. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    That just sounds wierd reading that.... Does he contribute anything??? Or is he just here to be weird?
  17. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    I keep reading slot about this member... What's his/her deal?? Why does everyone hate this guy so much hahahaha just wanna know.
  18. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    I guess you're right... Let's get on another subject to get this classified info out of you!
  19. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    I need details of every one of your experiences!!! Start with the very first!! Let's go!
  20. dLoc07

    How should I wipe my ass?!?! Just need some advice!

    Yeah, I lack intelligence but make more in 1 month than you do in a year... I got to this point from being stupid huh?! Why don't you get off your ass and find a job that pays... Being a mod on a forum isn't gonna cut it buddy. You lack the intelligence.