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  1. S

    nute problems ??

    ok, it's two weeks since i changed them to 12/12, yer them room is deffo cramped with 26 ladys in there and theres no room in between them there all touching each other i'm guessing this is a mistake ?? you think 16 would be a better amount ?, will post some more pic's up tomorrow, newer leaves...
  2. S

    nute problems ??

    hey, ok cool good to know all is well, there like my babys lol guess ya first grow is always like that thro, cheers for the reply
  3. S

    nute problems ??

    hey all, there seems to be a world of knowledge on this site so i'm hoping you guys can help me out, i'm 2 weeks into flowering on my first grow, 26 plants in a 8' by 8' room mylar on the walls,fresh air intake duct, exghust duct leading to a carbon filter, day time temp is 24c night time 19c...