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  1. GUINNESS180

    AK-47 are we ready to harvest yet?

    Nice doobius !! I work nights do I don't have to worry about that!
  2. GUINNESS180

    AK-47 are we ready to harvest yet?

    Hey zeddd, can't wait to try it out. Especially for my neck and back pain. I stopped all the nutes almost 2 weeks ago and just using tap water now. It's so tempting to give her some food cause some leaves are turning yellow and not as green as she used to be, but I'm not doing it. The main kola...
  3. GUINNESS180

    AK-47 are we ready to harvest yet?

    Cool man, I'll hold off a while longer. I'll just have to be patient ! It's so hard though!
  4. GUINNESS180

    AK-47 are we ready to harvest yet?

    Hey guys, this is my first grow and I think I'm ready to harvest. I just wanted to know if you guys can give me some advice. I have ak-47 auto seeds that I got from Bonza seeds. They say 9 weeks till harvest. On Halloween it will be 9 weeks. I don't wanna wait too long to harvest so I was...
  5. GUINNESS180

    Help! just bought seeds from Bonzaseeds

    Yeah, I ordered twice from them. Great service. I love the way they ship the seeds. Its always interesting what they ship them in. Once it was a book with the middle cut out and the other it was vacuumed sealed in a bike tire !! too funny.
  6. GUINNESS180

    Fox Farm Nutes....

    Thanks Aeroman, That's good info. I only have 2 plants now 1 AK47 on about week 6 and a Candy Kush on week 5. I usually get a 1 gallon jug, fill it with water, then put 2 teaspoons of FF Grow Big. I should have switched to FF Tiger bloom for the flowering. I Just bought some of that. I was using...
  7. GUINNESS180

    Fox Farm Nutes....

    Ok cool. That's just what I needed to know.
  8. GUINNESS180

    Fox Farm Nutes....

    Hey whats up? yes I am a nube ! and I wanted to know if I can combine nutes in the same gallon jug. I've been using Fox Farm grow big, and wanted to start using tiger bloom too. Would I put it in a separate gallon jug, or is it all good to combine them together? Just wanted to know... Thanks
  9. GUINNESS180

    Ona gel... Inside or outside a small grow box

    Ok thanks for all the great advice. I took it out if the box last night. I still have about 5 weeks left in flowering. Wish I took it out earlier...
  10. GUINNESS180

    Ona gel... Inside or outside a small grow box

    Hey, I dont have a carbon filter yet. Ive been trying different fans out. I had a few computer fans, then a 6" exhaust fan. I made a carbon filter, but it didn't have enough suction through the filter. Now I ordered a S&P TD-100x in-line exhaust fan. It should work with the filter. Guess I'll...
  11. GUINNESS180

    Ona gel... Inside or outside a small grow box

    Hey guys, just wanted to get a general census about ona gel. I have a small grow cabinet... Maybe 30" wide x 24" deep x 31" high. I'm using an ona gel inside to help with odor. My question is will the buds absorb the smell of the ona? Or should I out it outside the box? Thanks in advance ... rob
  12. GUINNESS180

    Yellow leaves on my girl !

    OK , Thank you for the great info. I have soooo much to learn. Its almost overwhelming all the stuff that goes into this.... but I love it!
  13. GUINNESS180

    Yellow leaves on my girl !

    during the summer, it was getting up to the mid 90's in there, but then I kept the AC on all day and it helped bring it down.
  14. GUINNESS180

    Yellow leaves on my girl !

    I was using distilled when they were seedlings, but the last few weeks, just tap water. I was going to try calmag.
  15. GUINNESS180

    Yellow leaves on my girl !

    Hey whats up guys. This is my first grow. I have some leaves turning yellow with some brown spots. Looks like its starting to shrivel up a little too. The one I'm having a problem Bubbleious. The Bubbleious and AK47 are a little over 3 weeks old. The AK47 is doing pretty good. Also got a Candy...
  16. GUINNESS180

    Yellowing leaves I'm worried

    Hey guys, sorry about that. I'll start a new thread with more info. Im new to the board.
  17. GUINNESS180

    Yellowing leaves I'm worried

    Hey guys, I got the same problem with the yellow leaves. I'm a newbie ! Not sure if I'm watering too often, or what. Any help would be appreciated...