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  1. YungMune

    Mitt Romney disses and walks away from a medical marijuana patient

    Dunno if anybody has seen this before.
  2. YungMune

    best suprise ever? i do believe so.

    Find the guy and return his seeds. You know how it would feel to be on the other end of this...... And stop trying to claim there your seeds...there not your seeds.
  3. YungMune

    Raided By The Police, Not For Growing

    Why dont you sue him for false accusations? You already have a police report and witness with your wife. And mayb you can get some documents from the police and get your mother inlaw to write an official letter as evidence. Take him to court and sue his fucin ass, im sure you can get atleast 2...
  4. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    Thanks, in there are 120mm generic clear led fans, they run really slow i would say about only 30 cfm. The newer fans arnt special either but will put out about 70 cfm. 3 will be enough for 10 cfls, since they can handle a 150 HPS and keep the temps at 82F.
  5. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    Nearly finished but this is it. All i need to do is wire the fans to a power adapter and install a locking mechanism. The fans i currently have in there are a bit weak since they were generic ones and were the only ones i had laying around. I will eventually replace them with better ones, the...
  6. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    This is the finished 10 CFL grow light fixture. All is needed is to screw in the splitters and the bulbs. Really simple, This is the grow box almost done, i put in the light fixture, it is held in by level pegs, you can adjust the height of the light by just putting the pegs at the...
  7. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    After a light sanding of the exterior i wiped it down with a damp cloth. Since it was 80 degrees outside i brought it to the back yard to paint. Im using a semi flat/satin black paint for the exterior and a flat white exterior. In the picture there looks like white spots, those were actually...
  8. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    Before i could paint the grow box, i needed to take it apart. Since for ventilation i was planning 2 exhaust and 1 intake, i needed to router 2 more ports because the original box only had 1. Top panel has 2 ports, and the bottom back panel has one at the top. I also needed to bondo some...
  9. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    Before i continued work on the growbox itself, i started my lighting fixture. My plan was for 10 cfls, 5 sockets, 5 splitters. Each bulb will shine down at 45 degree angle. This way takes up alot of vertical space but can fit more bulbs in a small space. First thing to do was think of a...
  10. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    Next was to reattached the hinges to the doors and install them to the new grow box. These hinges were easy to use since you can easliy adjust the height after installing if you doors are off. Might use these style of hinges for the growboxes i produce.
  11. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    First thing i needed to do was to remove the hardware from the doors. (hindges, handles) Then i needed to measure the size doors i would need to fit the new grow box and cut them to size. The doors measures 36" wide, they would be cut to around 24" wide. After cutting. Also added some...
  12. YungMune

    Grow Box Salvage and Resurrection Build 250w CFL

    Hey Rollitup community, ive been building grow boxes for a while now as a side job (look up Relentless Systems) and because i have been busy the last 6 months i couldnt keep a personal grow. Right, now i do have 2 plants that are growing into my desktop light and yesterday i wanted to build a...
  13. YungMune

    Your Greatest Achievement

    stopping my alcoholism before it was too late.
  14. YungMune

    10-14? Faster Flower?

    no dont do that. at that point your plant might stop producing buds and trying to save its energy to survive.
  15. YungMune

    Does Fox Farm Suck?

    OP is an idiot, how did you figure fox farm was the fault, when your nutrient mix's ppm before watering was low but the run off was high? And didnt even test your soil before jumping to dumb conclusions.:dunce:
  16. YungMune


    let it go the value of knowing someone isnt your true friend > a few marijuana plants.
  17. YungMune

    Building Stealth Cabinets And Selling Them

    i own a grow cabinet business. You need to make proper cabinets with professional tools and not garbage. Theres more to this business than putting together a shammy box. You need to design and build a proper grow box, and ship it so that it doesnt get damaged during transit. You need to have a...
  18. YungMune

    I Hate Fake Drug Dealers!

    to many fake dope boys, there not smart enough to know money management. They spend a few bucks on an eighth maybe a quarter, and they finish selling they spend there profits, and keep reupping little ass weight. When i was slinging i started with an eigth and didnt spend one profit dollar or...
  19. YungMune

    is it mids if you find one seed

    stupid question.
  20. YungMune

    Have you ever had to deal with a sociopath?

    sounds like one of those people that hell is made for.