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  1. S

    HeLp! Timer died now what?

    Got new timer Plants were on 36hrs. Back on schedule. Hope it goes well Thanks for the advice
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    HeLp! Timer died now what?

    My Timer died over night and my light didn't go off. 6 weeks into flower and doing perfect! Light has now been on 24hrs and will be on 36hrs when it hits lights out time again. Am I screwed? Will it affect my plants or not? Due to work schedule I can't change my time so it's just gotta stay on...
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    How to vent my tent?

    Thanks for info
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    How to vent my tent?

    That s kind of what i think. Smells never really a problem with the filter. I do 2 plants but I train to fill whole 4x4 area. Pretty much scrog but no screen. U don't need a screen to get that result but I don't argue I just do it. I pull 16+ fairly easy off 2 plants and 600hps. And I keep it so...
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    How to vent my tent?

    I live in a double wide. Was going to vent it thru the floor and under the house of I chose to go outside with the air. After seeing these post now I might just vent it into the room and let the AC do it's thing. I don't know. Freaking me out! Lol
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    How to vent my tent?

    I'll be honest I was pretty convinced nobody gave a shit anymore. I don't talk about it I don't sell it. I grow 2 plants at a time and smoke it that's it. I don't really even worry about it and I've never really treated it as illegal anyways. I've smoked daily for 22 years now
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    How to vent my tent?

    Oh wow I've never heard of that. That s a little freaky!
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    How to vent my tent?

    I have a 4x4 tent 28th 600watt hps w/bar wing reflector a 6in vortex fan and large can filter. Here's the thing. I'm Going to be hooking up a cool tube after this grow is finished to get ready for summer. Right now the tent is vented into the room that the tent is in 10x15. I will be using a...
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    How to Switch from 3in pots to 6in pots DWC

    I'd prefer to just use 4in pots the whole grow as it'll allow me to pull the pots out of one system and right into the other. If I did want to use the 6s though would I just sit the 4 into the 6? What about the roots?
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    switching 4in pots into 6in pots

    Hi I'm growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent 600watt scrog 2-30gallon totes with 2 plants in each tote. I will take 6 cuttings at 2 weeks 12/12. Plan was to root and veg in a small tent with cfl with one small tote that Will hold all 6 clones. I will eventually keep the best 4 to transfer to 4x4 after...
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    How to Switch from 3in pots to 6in pots DWC

    Hi I'm growing 4 plants in a 4x4 tent 600watt scrog 2-30gallon totes with 2 plants in each tote. I will take 6 cuttings at 2 weeks 12/12. Plan was to root and veg in a small tent with cfl with one small tote that Will hold all 6 clones. I will eventually keep the best 4 to transfer to 4x4 after...
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    Advice Needed for 4x4 Tent 600w MH/HPS DWC How Many Plants?

    Is there a big difference in using 5 gallon over 3 gallon? Just wondering becuz thats more dirt in and out of the house.
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    Advice Needed for 4x4 Tent 600w MH/HPS DWC How Many Plants?

    Great help! Im thinking of using 3 gallon buckets. Do I put the sprouted seed straight in the bucket of dirt or do I need to start with a smaller container then transplant to the buckets after they have grown some?
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    Advice Needed for 4x4 Tent 600w MH/HPS DWC How Many Plants?

    I guess Ill try to see if I can get some action over there. Im short on time as the grow is about to begin and I want to take the most productive route.
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    Advice Needed for 4x4 Tent 600w MH/HPS DWC How Many Plants?

    Hi all, First let me say this is a wonderful site with tons of great info and helpful people! I have just purchased a 4x4x6.5 grow tent, 600w mh/hps light, carbon filter, inline fan. White Widow & Jock Horror Feminized seeds are on there way. My plan is to grow DWC Hydro with plastic totes...