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  1. D

    When can I put these fuckers putside?

    Thanks for the good advice. Thankfully, frost isn't an issue here in paradise. Just sun, always sun. The freakin' thing never goes away. It gets old!
  2. D

    When can I put these fuckers putside?

    Long time indoor grower, first time outside grower. I'm in beautiful So. Cal. Was gonna put the kids outside May 1st, but they are begging to go now. Is it too early? Will they flower if I do? I don't want to F this up! Thanks!
  3. D

    Fox Farm vs. Bulk Soil Deliverey.

    Is Fox Farm soil so freakin' awesome, that it's better than calling my local nursery for a truckload of soil? Won't I have good results (soil wise) either way?
  4. D

    600 Watt Vs 1000 Watt

    I've been growing w/ a 1000 watt for a year and now I'm ready to add to my grow room. If I go w/ a 600 watt will my final results be 40% less, as I reduced my wattage 40%
  5. D

    If I dig a 3x3x3 hole I have to fill the whole thing w/ Foxfarm

    50 holes at 3x3x3 equals a friggen ton of F.F. $$$$$ Can't I mix a bag or 2 in w/ the nice so. cal soil I'm digging out?
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    my garden is 20 miles away. need to visit everyday?

    I finally secured a spot for an outdoor garden, but it is 30 miles away. I've grown indoors for a few years, but this is my first outdoor grow. Do I need to visit my plants everyday? Also, When would be the most productive time to visit them? Daybreak, sundown, afternoons? Thanks!
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    Will spraying plants cause tricomes to fall off?

    I'm in week 5 of flowering. I'm controlling the Spider Mites by spraying my plants everyday with water. I have pretty good ventilation with fans so I'm not too concerned with bud rot (should I be?). Is this OK to do or will some other negative issue occur such as knocking tricomes off or...
  8. D

    white film on leaves, not mold?

    thanks for the tip. I just sprayed them w/ milk. we'll see how it goes. Gracias!
  9. D

    white film on leaves, not mold?

    I have a white film on some of my plant leaves, especially the lower leaves. It doesn't seem to be mold, though it could be. It's also on my clones, that I spray w/ bottled water. Is it possible that it is from my nutrients? It looks the same as the film left over in my nutrient buckets. :peace: