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  1. T

    What up guys. New grower

    I was afarid to give it too much nutrients that's why only used 1/4 strength. I always ph my water to 6 to 6.5 but will check on the ph of soil on next water and get back to you guys. It was ok in small pots with 1/4 strength but wondering if since transplanted when I fed it the fox farm happy...
  2. T

    What up guys. New grower

    Having a problem with 2 of my plants. Cant seem to figure it out. Transplant In bigger pots lil over 2 weeks ago using fox farm happy frog and 1/4 strength of fox farm trio nutes. Also have cal mag but yet to introduce. Plants are 1 month 15 days old. Still in veg. Water always ph to 6 to 6.5...