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  1. sativagod

    Is there a difference in quality or Soil growing vs. Hydro vs aero?

    What about the speed of growth in an high porous medium like coco peat? Is it comparable or better then a topsoil mix...?
  2. sativagod

    From soil to soiless? Best medium for high growth rate...

    Thank everyone...What is the growth rate sunshine mix compared to soil....then compared to rockwool in an ebb and flow system?
  3. sativagod

    From soil to soiless? Best medium for high growth rate...

    Transitioning to hydro soon, what is the best soilless medium for optimum growth rate? :eyesmoke:
  4. sativagod

    What problems come along with Basement grow rooms?

    I definitely encourages that problem.
  5. sativagod

    Wiring for 2k watts..Do i just upgrade breaker and use thinker gauges?

    Anybody?Any advice or sending me to the correct resource will be helpful....I am going indoor from many years of outdoor.
  6. sativagod

    What problems come along with Basement grow rooms?

    Title says it all...
  7. sativagod

    Wiring for 2k watts..Do i just upgrade breaker and use thinker gauges?

    If so, how many amps should the breaker be and what gauge wiring. Thanks in advanced
  8. sativagod

    Is there a difference in quality or Soil growing vs. Hydro vs aero?

    Gotcha there...Thats what I figured. Thanks , I will be switching to hydro
  9. sativagod

    Got an entire case of promalin what??

    Be careful..Gibs was once used to create hermis
  10. sativagod

    Got an entire case of promalin what??

    Heres a nice experiment with gibberlins.
  11. sativagod

    Is there a difference in quality or Soil growing vs. Hydro vs aero?

    So hydro benefits is all about speed? the idea that the speedy growth is due to the oxygen available to the roots true?If so, then can I just oxygenate my soil to match hydro growth rates? Lots of question , I know.....But i am trying to decide rather to sell the equip or...
  12. sativagod

    Is there a difference in quality or Soil growing vs. Hydro vs aero?

    Not referring to yield, I have grown in soil a long time now and consider have a "lime green thumb" when it comes to soil... Just inherited a shitload of equip from my father.. Literally everything ebb and flow, table,stands, 10k in lights, mediums etc etc.. But it have been sitting in my garage...
  13. sativagod

    Atheism Anyone?

    So what are you saying? That fact based science support religion inherit?
  14. sativagod

    Pura vida RIU

    Sending my praises to the sativa gods..
  15. sativagod

    Atheism Anyone?

    I won't label maybe as an atheist,as that comes with a belief system in itself. I simple don't know and don't care, being rooted in science and logic,then understanding emotional concepts religion or god is way at the bottom of my list of 5000 concerns. That said, I am happy religion exist, as...