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  1. weedie gonzales

    Help!! plants 2 weeks old and yellowing leaves

    Thanks for the help. i will start with the nutes Right now. :mrgreen: Oh and they are just getting their 3rd node.
  2. weedie gonzales

    Help!! plants 2 weeks old and yellowing leaves

    ok so plants are 2 weeks old under a 430 watt hps light. no nutes yet-or should they have nutes. The ph has been running a little high but i cant get it to stay down. its between 6.5 and 7. and constantly wants to rise. its a drip system in hydroton with a constant drip. HELP!! any and all info...
  3. weedie gonzales

    First hydro grow. I need input There is a link to the ultimate seed. it is not autoflowering like the lowryder but that shouldnt matter at this early of the stage should it? dont know i have two of the ultimate growing the other is going fine a little...
  4. weedie gonzales

    First hydro grow. I need input

    So this is my first hydro grow using a HPS light its a 425 watt hydro farm setup. I am using a boto bucket system. got the plans online i included pics of the closet its about 4 1/2 ft. X 2 1/2ft. i have the light about 2 feet away from the plants they are about 4 inches tall...