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  1. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    Hi, thanks for all the responses! My plants look a lot like those in toobam's link, shit MG soil! the water i have been using since day 1 was ph 7.6. I brought it down to 6.5 with lemon juice on 28th day, and have been watering it with 6.0 water since. The ph of drainage water is steady now...
  2. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    I have test the ph of the water I use, here are the results. tap water used for watering until 24th day: ph 7.6+ Brita filtered water used from 25th day onward: ph 6.0 Drainage from bottom of soil: ph 7.0 The problem is spreading now to newer leaves. And 5 out of 8 plants are affected What...
  3. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    here are some photos taken today. -the problem leaves are not crispy, but it's dry to touch -the soil looked saturated cos i just watered before taking the photos -although i use tap water, i filter it with Brita cartridge before watering -kill one sickly seedling -transplant another...
  4. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    I think ventilation is good, I have a big fan blow from below and an opening at the top corner of the box for air circulation.
  5. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    Hi, these are the photos taken today. I could not get a ph meter today from Home depot. I shall try the local grower supply tmr. -The situation is getting worse, look at the photos -I don't think I over-watered cos I keep the soil at moist level on the moisture meter -These seedlings are...
  6. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    thanks for inputs, i will get a ph meter today for ph value. More info: The symptom appear on 3 out of 9 plants. And it seems like it not spreading to newer leaves, only the leaves that show initial browning are turning more brown and yellow. I will post more picture tonight.
  7. bcaccc

    MY 1st closet grow

    cool, keep it up
  8. bcaccc

    Seedling Problem, Please help

    Hi, I am a new grower. This seedling has been grown from seed for 21 days now. Brown patchs and dots started appearing on first set of full leaves at 20th day. Can anyone please tell me whats the problem here and what's the remedy? Grow info: -temperature maintained @ 70F - 78F -humidity...