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  1. DottoressaX

    Feminized Seeds: the advantages overgrow the disadvantages

    herms bananas herms bananas herms bananas If you are growing any kind of decent size room or more, don't you dare buy femmed seeds. you will be making a massive mistake. ONLY if you have no choice, no time, no space and a tiny number of plants. Those naners will fucking do your head in...
  2. DottoressaX

    Hermie advice please....

    hey medi- thanks for the response. ive never heard a single mention of that. feminised plant or feminine plant, they are technically both girls and should react the same. I dont know if it is nasty as much as ineffective. also, provided you have grown normal females from seed and have your...
  3. DottoressaX

    Hermie advice please....

    btw DUTCH MASTERS REVERSE is worthless worthless worthless. I used it properly. I used it on day 3 of flower, exactly as directed, with a saturator. Then I used it 10 days later- and a week after that. All as directed by a person i spoke to at DM. There is 100 % NO LIGHT LEAKS, and if i may...
  4. DottoressaX

    Hermie advice please....

    considering nobody else is responding, i hope this will provide some help to somebody------- the herms i got from my Jackys- so far have only seemed to herm after i did the pyrethrum bombs. Dunno if it was the fogger that triggered it or just unstable genetics. I fall on unstable genetics, if...
  5. DottoressaX

    Hermie advice please....

    Been spraying reverse since i posed this a week ago. I hadnt seen any new nanas until today. There was 1 near the tip of one of my Jacky Whites. Unbelieveable, I sprayed reverse the not 24 hours earlier....that and i had spayed with reverse according to instructions since the beginning of...
  6. DottoressaX

    Are Pyrethrum foggers flammable?

    I was asking about that tonight , myself. I have resigned myself to turning off the pilot lights. Im just bummed ill have no hot water for 12 hours....haha poor me. I dont think that your basement would go up in flames but better be safe than sorry. I think the risk is an arc of flame back...
  7. DottoressaX

    Hermie advice please....

    My current Genetics in the flowering room: Im using feminized seeds from Paradise seed company and Barney's Farm of Amsterdam. Current strains are Ice cream and Jacky White (fem. Paradise) and a G13xhaze (fem. Barneys). All current plants in the flowering room are from cuttings off of...
  8. DottoressaX

    Not your usual question about yeild-.5GPW total or .5GPW per month of the 2mo. cycle?

    In Jorge Cervantes grow bible, there is the projected yield of a decent garden getting .5GPW. OK, BUT, I just noticed it says .5GPW per MONTH. SO, im unclear if running, say, 1Kw should yield roughly 500g. total for the 2 months of flowering, or if it is 500g. per month, leaving 1000g at...
  9. DottoressaX

    Transplanting during flowering from hydro to soil to cure root rot!!

    Thanks a million eyerguy- Ill give it a go. I think some of the better ones may make it but many of the root systems are pretty bad off. Hopefully the h202 and the Pythoff I added last night would have killed more of it by tomorrow when I transplant. I am definitely curious how much the...
  10. DottoressaX

    Transplanting during flowering from hydro to soil to cure root rot!!

    This is a doozy-:shock: so i built a hydro system that needed some fine tuning. this is the first round using this type of setup so naturally i was aware this could happen. To sum it all up, my hydro setup cant presently keep rez temps down( a chiller presents its own problems and i dont wish...
  11. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    I should add that the blessed physan 20 also did away with my fungus gnat problem. SWEEEEET! :mrgreen:
  12. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    Don't take it personally Highpsi--Im taking care of business. It went down like this: system first infected by hygrozyme bud candy DID cause algae bloom algae bloom DID cause pH to skyrocket 35% h202 did not kill the algae nothing kills brown algae but physan 20 got physan 20 and applied all...
  13. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    The again i just read an EPA factsheet on physan 20 and i might just not use it. It seems ridiculously toxic- and not domething i want in my roots at all. SO if it isnt safe to use, any thoughts on modding into the dutch pot system and whether that might solve the problems? Otherwise i buy...
  14. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    Noticing brown fuzzies attached to the submerged tubes in the control buckets, i did some research. Goddamnit if i dont have BROWN ALGAE. Im certain it had taken hold when i started using the bud candy, the only organic thing in my rez. Brown algae feeds on the sugars and requires virtually...
  15. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    @cruzer-: My recirculating system links all the buckets together terminating back in the control bucket. You gave me such a simple idea to just change the way I feed them. If all else fails, I may well do that. It would make it so much easier to control the ph that way. Really though, not...
  16. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    thanks bizzarO - good idea about the water. I am lucky enough to live in an area with very fresh pristine non treated water:) Other growers in the area have no problems. thanks for your input!
  17. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    Lights just came on and i went in to check on things-- ph up again, to about 6.8. Up from 5.6 last night. Here is the interesting thing: I checked the pH in my rez as well. My rez was filled with fresh water and ph balanced. The ONLY thing I added to the water besides pH down, was...
  18. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    Intuitively, I don't think the pH is rising from the bud candy because the ph jumps over night, while there is still H2o2 in the system killing off any bacteria. I feel like what you are saying makes sense, and I may well try it, but I would think as you described it, the pH would only go up...
  19. DottoressaX

    Waterfarm Ph Problems On Recirculating System

    The system is a modded waterfarm 8-pack with the recirculating system installed. The recirculation is functioning properly. Water is city water but clean and with a ppm of about 27. Nutrients used are AN sensi bloom A and B, Big Bud, Bud Candy, and 4ml/gallon od 35% h2o2. medium is triple...