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  1. G

    deficiency of ????

    the lights are 4 fluorscent tubes, 2 normal ones and 2 growlux, they are far enough from the plant not to burn it, i used some liquid fertilizer in the beginning but i stopped as soon as they started yellowing, and have not fed again, i also flushed them like 10 days ago and havent watered since.
  2. G

    deficiency of ????

    can you guys help me identify this problem? my temp varies between 78 and 86 degrees, i water when my meter reads almost dry, and my ph is around 7, they get fresh outside air everyday for about 4 hours and i have a fan on 18 hours per day, they are on a 18/6 light cycle. thx in advance
  3. G

    Too Much Heat?

    im a first time grower also man, therefore not very experienced but id say you need bigger pots for those plants, transplant asap, are u adding any type of fertilizer? also a little raise in the lights could help the heat problem and point the fan directly to the tops