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  1. Bnice420

    WW Questions/ PICS included!!!

    Ok today is week 7 of my ww and unknown grow. I have a few questions about using nutes and other things. i got 1 plant that has stunted growth and 1 plant that is alot shorter then others. biggest is 9.5 inches smallest is 5 inches. I was gonna pop em under 12/12 with my hps this week and i...
  2. Bnice420

    When Should I start to flower???? PICS INCLUDED!!!!

    Hi everyone, I currently have 2 ww plants and 2 other that are not yet known growing. My question is when should i start to flower, and are my plants ready yet? they are 6 weeks and 2 days old. I currently have them under a 250watt mh that is about 18 inches away. I have been feeding them fox...
  3. Bnice420

    plants dieing need help!!!

    ok so i got the stuff in the mail on the way now/// was wondering if i flush and transplant would i be doing good for the plant or doing more damage?
  4. Bnice420

    plants dieing need help!!!

    Ok before i was having a problem with my plants having yellow leaves at the bottom and they die off and the next set above that becomes yellow. so i gave them nutes. Fox Farm grow big 6-4-4 and i gave them half strength. And 3 days after i water them 2 of em that were looking the best have...
  5. Bnice420

    Plants turning yellow at bottom need help!!!!

    ok its been like a day since my last post of the pics and today i noticed that the stems of the leaves that were yellow are looking purpleish. I have fox farm nutes i believe the one i have for veg is a 6-4-4 and i was thinking about giving it a 1/2 dose. let me know what u think.
  6. Bnice420

    Plants turning yellow at bottom need help!!!!

    Got some pics up now. plz let me know what u think is wrong with my lil ones. also they are in a 2 gal pot and i water bout every 2 days. and my light is a 250watt mh about 22 inches away from top of plant and room is bout 80 degrees.
  7. Bnice420

    Plants turning yellow at bottom need help!!!!

    I have 4 ww plants growing in ffof soil and they are about 4 weeks into veg and the bottom leaves of 2 of them are yellow and getting brown tips and the other two are starting to get a yellowish color in the bottom leaves. I have not used any nutes yet and i water only when the pot is near dry...