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  1. greenbrewer

    Dry Spell? 237 TONNES found!

    so, how many plants is that?? outdoor grow...
  2. greenbrewer


    I believe the important function of molasses is to provide micronutrients/minerals, not carbohydrates (sugars). Blackstrap molasses contains fewer sugars and more nutrients. It's basically a less pure form of regular molasses. I don't know about the mineral content of maple syrup, but I...
  3. greenbrewer

    1st (Official) Closet CFL Grow

    keep the grow going! i hate it when real life intrudes upon farming activities...:evil:
  4. greenbrewer

    Mycorhizzal Fungi

    Do you think it is helping? I.e., are your buds wearing a cape and jumping building in a single bound? Are they growing faster than a speeding bullet?
  5. greenbrewer

    Ever called out when buying supplies?

    Just take your one year old child in with you. They'll never blink an eye.
  6. greenbrewer

    Mycorhizzal Fungi

    Has anyone had success with adding mycorrhizal fungi to their grow? I've been looking at these for improving both potting soil and soil in my new housing development. Every source I've found extolls the virtues of these little guys. They're supposed to dramatically increase the uptake of...