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  1. Z

    Bonsai harvests!

    what is the pink strain?
  2. Z

    Weird bugs

    I have a plant that is outdoors and is just starting to bud and i noticed oneday there were black dots all over the white hairs growing. and it looked like dirt but upon further inspection its tiny tiny bugs. what are these and what can i do to get rid of them? i would also prefer actual help...
  3. Z

    *Yellow Leaves?* - *White Spots On Leaves*

    What the hell i have the same problems. Both the yellow leaves and the white spots and i also am growing outdoors with a plant around 2 feet and just starting to bud
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    Plant dying. Pesticide.

    So pests have been eating my leaves or something because there turning yellow and brown and have big holes all over them. What is a good pesticide to stop this and how often should I use it?
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    I need help getting seeds.

    How can you get seed banks to send them into the US?
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    How tall should my plant be

    How tall should my plant be after like a month and a half or so. I want to make sure mine isnt stretching or the likes because its about as tall as my elbow to my hand now.
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    Can I only tell the sex of my plants when they are starting the flowering period? And is the entire plant male or female or are certain stems and such a certain sex?
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    When to clone

    When should is a good time to clone if your growing outdoors. Or I guess a better question is how big should my plant be?
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    Different curing

    That wouldnt change the flavor at all though would it?
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    Different curing

    Ive heard of people putting orange peels and lemon peels and such in the jars while curing to give it different tastes. Does this work and if so what are other options?
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    what is bc?

    We get it down here in Florida and its always good.