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  1. stout890

    is it bad to burp your jars to often?

    im really curious on how this curing process is going to work. im drying my first harvest and it still smells like "grass". now my question it bad to burp your jar to many times in a day? because i am just so curious that i cant leave my jars alone for more than a few hours with out...
  2. stout890

    Knowing When To Start Curing Your Buds

    that is true. but my stems are drying unevenly, like from the cut end down... so the stem is dry but the stem in between and where the buds start is still green and bendy. so what part of the stem do you test for dryness?
  3. stout890

    Knowing When To Start Curing Your Buds

    I cu my plant down this Sunday and have had them hanging since than and the stems are snapping at the ends but right up by the buds the stem is still flexible. So my question is how close to the buds do you do your snap test and should I jar them up now or wait longer?
  4. stout890

    black hairs (pistols) on plant?

    yeah me too i wanna see, this is gonna be gangster!!!!
  5. stout890

    Fox Farm TB, GB, BB vs. TB, GB, BB + Solubles

    sweet, thanks. i just feed my iced grapefruit its first feeding of cha-ching on monday and in 1 day it was twice as this stuff
  6. stout890

    Fox Farm TB, GB, BB vs. TB, GB, BB + Solubles

    really interested to see how the buds with the solubles turns out....i just got some cha ching but really wondering when to use it and how much. i hear you can hermie your plant right at the end with cha ching because of how strong that shizz is.....dope thread tho man.
  7. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    ok guys i just tested my run off and oddly its at 5.0 or so but it was with a guano tea so i dunno if that can fudge it up or if i should test again with a fresh watering?
  8. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    honestly im not even getting run off i'm afraid to water that much. should i be watering until i see run off?
  9. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    the stems are purple but they have been that way since the beginning. the strain is iced grapefruit from attitude.
  10. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    well banjo and medi1 i do have new growth that is a lighter green than the rest of the plants. alo i asked my buddy about that guano and he claims its happy frog 0-5-0 so maybe i could try that but there is a chance still that it is not 0-5-0 but whats the worse that could happen? since its been...
  11. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    well guys i didn't catch these replys until i already re potted, either way i dont have any bone meal or kelp and have a suspended lic so i am limited on what i have and when i can get more. i order most nutes of amazon but am still waiting for my tiger bloom and cha-ching. i also have some...
  12. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    well guys thaeres alot of good info here but unfortunetly its vary mixed and kinda leaves me pase 1 still. im gonna just re pot this girl in a bigger pot with some fresh soil.... so well see if that brings her up. the new soil i think will give her a little more nitrogen if my soil was in fact...
  13. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    the leaves are yellowing more i dunno guys are you sure... oh and mothers i believe this little girl to be root-bound, i put 3 small rocks in the bottom of the pot for drainage also, but im sure the pot is just small. i imagine the tap root has hit bottom...wonder if i re pot if it will out...
  14. stout890

    am i nitrogen deficient???

    ok guys so i came home the other day to see my plant drooping bad. soil was dry so i watered my normal amount of bottled water that has the correct Ph (i use dasani, its 6.0). by the next morning the upper portion perked up nice but the bottom fan leaves were still drooped but the stems firmed...
  15. stout890

    will i have 3 tops or back to 1???

    thanks guys, yeah the plant seems to be responding fairly well and that little shoot that grew is still tiny and i am curious how its going to turn out.
  16. stout890

    will i have 3 tops or back to 1???

    so i topped my little girl last Sunday and today she finally started growing again but iv noticed something odd. i seem to have left a piece of plant material on the stem after i topped it. kinda like as if i didn't make a full complete cut.......well either way, that little piece has started...
  17. stout890

    less water douring flowering?

    is it true that douring flowering you want to water your plants just a day or two before they start to wilt? i was told this this positively affects bud growth and potency
  18. stout890

    Ww scrog prob

    all it is bro is your lower leaves are under shade from the rest of your plant, your supposed to trim all "salad" from under the screen to protect frrom mold. the leaves are just not getting enought light. just trim them.