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  1. Citrus

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    Eat'm wet you wont regret... fresh potency cant be beat imo its much clearer and easier on the stomach Its a luxury you have from doin it on your own, take advantage! dont dry'm unless you need longterm storage. Fresh ones will keep for 1-2 weeks in a glass or tupperware in the fridge grats...
  2. Citrus

    question on timing ...

    I would say the only time it would ever be too early is if you have no roots. ....that aside I think its pretty common to premix with myco, it will live in the soil before transplanting. Or do a soak after transplanting either way is fine.
  3. Citrus

    Where IT all starts...LSD

    Well $hit... after reading about the first 100 steps there and seeing 100 more that I dont understand... I am SO grateful someone decided to do this instead of me. I will have much more respect for that 1 dose that took so long to reach me from now on that is for sure. Its hard to believe we...
  4. Citrus

    4000W Flowering Room Design - Light Venting Question

    Go water cooled perhaps?
  5. Citrus


    Thanks for that i81, I am looking into chillers for lights as well as res and dont want to buy and run a new chiller for each res. Prolly just get 2 one for nutes and one for lights.
  6. Citrus

    Cant find Mycorhizae they are a great company all around. ive had fuzzy roots using the "MycoGrow Soluble" 1oz goes a long way. its one of the most complete ive found. 1cc in 4L of water works great even tho they recommend 1cc per L. Its all living stuff if it has food it will colonize fast.
  7. Citrus

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    One peculiar thing I have noticed is that some strains grow in what seems to be little clusters. I have no science to back this and can't explain it other than, with some strains, I will notice one big cap rising above the rest of a cluster and if I pick the big one the whole cluster would...
  8. Citrus


    How do you do that? Are they all connected?
  9. Citrus

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    Sweet man glad to hear it. Ive started poppin spores quite a few years ago and I can tell ya that the hard part is over. Once you can regularly get those jars colonized w/o any green fuzz and poppin pins they pretty much take care of themselves. You and your friends are in for some happy trails.
  10. Citrus

    Does anyone grow using water only, no nutes? I always get nute burn no matter what..

    The point I was trying to make was about the Total Alkalinity of water turning the smallest amount of fertilizer into poison. No arguments here mixing back tap is a bad idea, but some people do it and that is why. Tap will only kill microbes if you dont let the chlorine evaporate, but its still...
  11. Citrus

    Need help w/ plant problem

    I would think if its only happening on some strains, while others are fine, that your mix may be too strong for those strains. Skunk eats more or as much as any other strains I have tried, so I wouldn't use that as a baseline. I would experiment in backing off that ppm a little for the strains...
  12. Citrus

    Does anyone grow using water only, no nutes? I always get nute burn no matter what..

    Wow your lucky that is super clean water. If I had that coming out of my tap I would drink it. Mine is about 450ppm at 6.6 ph, if I leave it out over night it evaporates to 7.2 ph and I lose 0 ppm. If you mix even the smallest amount of fert with water like this, all the free ions already in...
  13. Citrus

    opinions on hot shots strips for spider mites?

    I am interested if anyone has had adverse effects on their smoke from using these. I read about them and after a couple rave reviews figured I would grab one just to prevent any bugs from landing. When I was reading the label tho it said that it shouldn't be used in food prep areas and that...
  14. Citrus

    bottom leaves yellowing.. any suggestions?

    He is right. Yeah for the yellowing leaves this is a common one and easy to spot. Dont cut the leaves let the plant eat the nutes out of it. The brownish spots and root rot looks like it could be heat stress. 85 is pushin it depending on how much fresh air exchange you have and what your stain...
  15. Citrus

    Does anyone grow using water only, no nutes? I always get nute burn no matter what..

    I had this same issue and had to switch to R/O. Hard enough water will cause lockout before the nutes even leave the bottle. Have you tested the TOTAL ALKALINITY of your water? If you have anything above 100 TA you may get lockout from too much hard alkaline, stuff like dissolved calcium and...
  16. Citrus

    JealousGreen's adventure in mycology.. . . . please help

    Hey JGreen, from first glance it looks like you have both humidity and temp issues. Did you ever get that heating mat? That would likely solve both problems. You have more than enough perlite in there just keep it wet with the heat mat under the tank should raise interior temps enough you dont...
  17. Citrus

    First Time PF Tek - Ecuador (fruiting) GT (colonizing)

    I tried GT and it made it out of my rotation pretty quick. Its good for your less experienced friends who need a milder effect as even in quantities I found the effect very soft. Cambo is sweet right.. still knocks my socks off and it seems to grow the same in the hot summers as normal temps. A...
  18. Citrus

    First Time PF Tek - Ecuador (fruiting) GT (colonizing)

    I saw this and just had to pipe in. YES!! Only ever use LC to noc my jars/trays. Because the spores already germinate in the LC it will colonize a substrate must faster than straight spore solution. However your idea about "drenching" it is off, this will swell your substrate and make it slimy...