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  1. W

    Fast Finishing Outdoor Strain For 40° N, 73 W (Long Island)

    Hello all, I could use some help here. I grew three BEAUTIFUL plants outdoors this past summer. One Pepper Jack and one Tangerine Dream in 20 gallon felt Smart Pots and one Dr. Greenthumb G13 right in the ground in perfect soil. I grew the G13 indoors last winter and it was everything I had...
  2. W

    G-13 outdoors

    Hello All...My first ever G-13 outdoor grow. It's Neville's cut from Dr. Greenthumb. I used other strains from him and I have to say his seeds are on the high side price wise BUT his Endless Sky is great indoors and the G-13 is unbelieveable outdoors! Check the pics. 7' Tall, 6' Wide I...