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  1. endorflight

    Cant figure it out (dry tips, sides, spots on leaves)

    I reduced the nutrient strength again to 25% without the cal mag. PH is at 5.8 and EC at 0.84. I just dont understand the dynamics of nutrient uptake in high pressure aeroponics. I currently spray 3 seconds, with 180 seconds pause. If i spray so little wouldnt i have to increase the nutrient...
  2. endorflight

    Cant figure it out (dry tips, sides, spots on leaves)

    The lights are two HortiOne 600 dimmed to 800 PPFD. Due to stretch and limited ability to move the lights higher (i fixed it now) the plants might have received 1000-1200 PPFD for a few days. And the temps are also relatively high at 25-28 C. The sides of the leaves are not turning up but the...
  3. endorflight

    Cant figure it out (dry tips, sides, spots on leaves)

    I cannot figure out whats wrong. The strain is Permanent Marker, 4 weeks into flowering. I currently give 50% strength AN nutes in a HPA system. I messed a lot with the spray times, but it seems that iam somewhere in the right zone now. I had tried less and more nutrients, with and without cal...
  4. endorflight

    Help me dial in the droplet size in my HPA/TAG system

    Power outages: Where i operate, luckily power outages are very rare. We had one like 2-3 years ago that lastet a couple of hours. As of now that is not a problem iam adressing at all. I was eyeballing with this device...
  5. endorflight

    Help me dial in the droplet size in my HPA/TAG system

    Iam an engineer playing around with hydroponics for some years. For me, aeroponics is the next logical step. Problems, challanges, yes, but there are also solutions. Iam willing to find and apply them. Everyone has to choose a way that works for him. For me its recirculating hydro. If not a lot...
  6. endorflight

    Help me dial in the droplet size in my HPA/TAG system

    Thanks for joining my thread. That will depend on if we can get the system dailed in soon. The vehicle is ready, passengers are seated, we just need a TAG fligh officer here to give us directions for takeoff.
  7. endorflight

    Help me dial in the droplet size in my HPA/TAG system

    According to this article where my nozzle size is between the two mentioned, i think it should be not more than 90 PSI? Taking into accound that ideal droplet sizes are larger, the pressure has to be even lower? "The jet spray...
  8. endorflight

    Help me dial in the droplet size in my HPA/TAG system

    Hello, i need help to dial in my new HPA/TAG system. Some aero wizard please put me on the fast lane. Given is the following scenario: Pump: M.R.S. Whisper PowerPump Ultimate 320 PSI (22 bar) (It appears that with the 4 large nozzles i can go up 290 PSI (20 bar)) Nozzle type: M.R.S. Micro...