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  1. F

    Cfl lights?

    CFL stands for Compact Flourescent Lights. They work well for vegging, but not so much for flowering.
  2. F

    HPS lights

    250, uber sorry about not including that info!! Only one plant though
  3. F

    HPS lights

    Hey ya'all! Just got my HPS light set up. Just wondering how far you guys would recommend keeping my plant from this light? Thanks!
  4. F


    It's going good, and welcome!!
  5. F

    HPS lighting systems

    Is that an online store? If so, what's the website? Thanks!
  6. F

    HPS lighting systems

    Hey ya'all! In the flowering stage right now with three plants, all of them unknown sexes. I'm looking into getting a HPS system set up, but I'm just wondering what the best website to use is? I'm not looking to spend a whole lot of money on this. Is e-bay probably my best bet? Thanks!
  7. F


    So I've been in the process of flowering my plants (bag seed) for about .. 2 weeks now and my plants aren't showing any signs of sex yet. I forced them into flowering a little early. I've been keeping them on 12/12. Any tips on how to get them to show sex sooner? I had read that I could keep...
  8. F

    Just planted germinated seeds

    Might as well leave them open over night. Unless you're expecting bad weather conditions. And if you're growing outside, I'd keep them somewhere where as much sunlight as possible can hit them at all times. You might want to consider moving them atleast once per day due to the sun moving.
  9. F

    When to start flowering ..

    Hey, noob here. I was just wondering your guys's lovely opinions on when I can switch from vegging to flowering. How long do you guys typically wait? Or how tall do you let them get? Thanks!!
  10. F

    help with seedlings

    I would consider purchasing a moisture meter. They run about $5 at Wal-mart. Just keep it in the moist range and you will be fine!
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    looking all good so far?

    They're beaaaauuuuuuuuttttttiiiifffffffuullllll!!!!!!!!!
  12. F

    Flowering First Grow... Wish Me luck!!!!

    Good luck dude! I'm still in the process of seedlings coming up. I hope mine turn out as nice as yours!!
  13. F


    Thanks, much appreciated!
  14. F


    Just wishing my babies would grow faster. I'm boycotting all dealers where I live because they are shady. Ugh ..
  15. F

    Stretching .. please help

    Great guys, thanks for the help. I am using flourescent lighting with about 6 plants growing at 400W. I do need to get better lighting, I know this.
  16. F

    Stretching .. please help

    So replant it with the cotyledons just above the soil?
  17. F

    Stretching .. please help

    Hey guys - newbie here. I'm having a problem with my plants stretching. I've already moved the lights down and everything, but what are my options with my stretched out plants? They're starting to grow leaves. Can I just make sure they stay supported and keep growing? Tips are very much welcome! :-|