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  1. noford1

    Electrical problems :(

    First thing you need to do is get the correct outlets and turn power off to that room. next pull out old outlet and see what wires are in there. if you have a metal box and conduit( galvinized pipe that wires run thru) you can run a wire off green screw on outlet right to the box itself. If you...
  2. noford1

    Think they're all females, just want another opinion

    hey stoney, I didn't mean to imply you were a moron. I don't like giving people false hope. It will be obvious in due time just think that its too early to tell is all.
  3. noford1

    Think they're all females, just want another opinion

    I don't see hairs as mentioned. if you're taking about between the stalks that is the leaf on the other side. If just started flowering yesterday thats another thing that says no hairs.
  4. noford1

    Think they're all females, just want another opinion

    from the pics you can't tell what they are. What everyone is seeing is the stipules. Depending on your light cycles prior to flowering, on mine I see these stipules come in arouns 18-22 days and that's with 24 hr lighting. if you were around 16-18 hrs light it could take 30 days for them to come...
  5. noford1

    Harvest time ?

    you will know its time to harvest when the pistils turn from white to reddish brown, the bottom fan leaves turn yellow and fall off, the remaining leaves get brittle and easily fall off. plant usually matures from top to bottom. cut it off where stalk meets soil and take off all the large...
  6. noford1

    Curling leaves like a V

    you need to look at the color of the leaves. if they curl up and turn darker that is signs of phosphorus defieciency. get you some commercial phosphate. And you should know were your soil is regarding ph. if you don't get ph right your plant will have a hard time absorbing the nutrients it...
  7. noford1

    Vegetative to flowering??

    One other detail, not sure if this matters but I use RO water (reverse osmosis). It goes thru carbon filter media, then sand and finally 1 micron filter. It is pure clean water. No iron, copper, chlorine, or sediments. It comes off a system at my work at 7.2 PH and I adjust down. Then I run 5...
  8. noford1

    Vegetative to flowering??

    These plants are 27 days old total. I forced them into flowering 3 days ago. As far as the urine thanks for the info but like you said I would have seen this earlier I would think. Could it just be from the lack of light for 24 hrs? And my watering schedule is as needed. Generally I stick my...
  9. noford1

    Vegetative to flowering??

    These plants are 26 days old. The problem started after forced into flowering stage. It was the very next day after 24 hrs of no light then 12/12. The top leaves are curling down on edges and look darker. Little back ground- for the germination I used 5-55-17 diluted down and then switched to...